MasterQuote15: Yeshua and Mary Magdalene on “Illumination”

imagesYeshua and Mary Magdalene:

“Each one of you in your own way and in your own time is holding a piece of the puzzle that “makes the world go ‘round”, as they say, and as such, each piece is like a ray of light that you each are holding high, and it completes in itself what all have begun many eons ago.

Holding your own ray of light allows for the rich tapestry of Oneness to exist, dear ones. And in holding your own ray of light, you are performing your mission. It is beautiful to see all these rays, like facets in a diamond that is glowing ever brighter each day.

Hold your Light high, dear ones. You are illuminating more than this beautiful Gaia. You are lighting up the whole Galaxy, Universe, and Multiverse.


Channeled by Fran Zepeda August 4 2014

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