Illumination and Inspiration on Becoming Crystalline ~ September 27, 2015 ~ by Fran Zepeda


piccredit.archives.firstcontactgroundcrewteam.comDear I AM Presence, mighty Elohim, Beloved Creator, All Celestial and Galactic Beings of the Cosmic Light, I ask how can I best receive the incoming Light of this Full Blood Moon portal and serve my highest purpose for realizing my highest potential?

“Just feel the incoming Light, absorb it dear one, and enjoy the alchemy. Feel it infiltrate and transform you. ‘Seeit infiltrate and transform you, and lift you, as you become the full 5th dimensional Crystalline Light throughout all your four bodies.

Just breathe it in and feel the buoyancy of your new way of Being. Feel and ‘See’ the Light and Sparkle of your new way of Being. Come home to it, within your Heart, and command all your cells and bodies to welcome the fifth dimensional Crystalline Solar Light to transform all your bodies – etheric, mental, emotional and physical….

…So that you are one with your I Am Presence and there is no separation anymore. So that you are anchored and grounded in it. So that you see All through these new crystalline ‘eyes” of Beauty and substantial Love Essence. All is transformed, and all is anew, with a new crystalline beginning of Abundant Lightness and a sweet reverence for All Life.

All comes from the Divine and All comes back to it. You are entering that passageway of Complete Divine Presence now, as are others. Bathe in it. Feel the Unity of all Hearts, of all the I AM Presences of all Humanity. Feel All lifted to a Pristine Crystalline Divine Existence.

Know this is happening, sweet one, for if you accept the shift and alchemy of your Crystalline Being, it is so. You have cleared enough to be there. Continue to clear, and continue to return all within you to Golden and Crystalline Light and Substance throughout your Being.

It is so.



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