Mary Magdalene on Divine Perfection and Wholeness ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

imagesReceived February 18, 2015


Greetings Beloveds. I come before you today to deliver a message of Love and Well-Being to you all. For all is well. For all is as it should be. Pull yourselves back from your expectations and thought-forms of striving for ‘life as it should be’ and Be Now in this Moment with me.

All is well. All is as it should be. All is encompassed in this Now Moment as an inkling of more creation in the next moment. And so it goes. Pull back into the Now. Pull back into the center of your being and find that all is well, all is as it should be. Stop the striving and gather your heart into the Now, into the center of your being and life, and feel with it, now with me.

What is it you are feeling? What is it you are noticing? The stillness beckons you. Pull back into that stillness now, beloveds, and travel with me into the deeper recesses of your Heart. For now is the time to live there fully.

Forget all the strivings, forget all the ‘should-be’s’, and know that Now Is as it should be for you in this moment.

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