Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Embrace Your Divinity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Embrace Your Divinity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Channeled and Presented by Fran Zepeda 11.1.20

Greetings, Beloveds, I AM Yeshua. I AM Mary Magdalene. Together we embrace you with Eternal Love and Respect. 

This is a time of all times; this is a time of all measures to bring you once again to your true form and true life. We beseech you to not focus on all the feelings of fear and concern as you watch and experience the dismantling, the destruction, and the chaos.

For this is the only way to build a new way of Being, a new way of Living, a new way of Perceiving, a new way of Existing.

It may feel like you are like a tree in Fall, and all the leaves of your life are dying off. However, what is building and what is unseen, like the tree, is new life force to emerge anew when the time is right, and for a tree, it is Spring. But you do not necessarily have to wait until Spring to see your new growth from this building Divine Life Force that is occurring from within.

What is nurturing it and sustaining it is your ability to stay in the high frequencies of Love and Joy and Bliss and Peace and Harmony and Grace, and to envision every day what you wish to build.

What is feeding it is the revealing more and more of your true nature, the embodiment of your Higher Self, your Soul, your Oversoul, your I AM Presence, your Divinity … becoming more and more at home and present within this beautiful physical body of yours.

Take some time each day to honor your physical body, your physical vehicle, as it hosts the changes that will allow your Divine Self to find a permanent home, a permanent lighted home for it to be eternally present.

Each day delve deeper into your Heart Center and find all the Purity and Love and Clarity that is there for you to enjoy and be guided by.

This recent clearing period with the full moon was massive for many and continues to be so for many. Do not despair, do not hold on to what comes up. This is an offering of the incoming light and energies to ready you for being a pristine home for your Divine Self to live and breathe and function as one with your physical body.

And you may notice that as you become one with your Divinity, and feel this Oneness, that you feel a Oneness with all of Humanity, with all the Cosmos, with All That Is of Source, for you indeed are a Divine Spark of Source that is becoming more and more ignited and enlivened and guided by the very essence of you, which is One with Source.

Embrace this, beloveds. Know this, Beloveds. Feel our Love and Support as you walk through this final corridor of transformation, which to many feels treacherous right now, which to many feels overwhelming and sometimes impossible.

But this is what you are designed for. Have confidence in that, Beloveds.

Now, more than ever, we guide you and support you in finding deep, deep Unconditional Love for yourself, without any judgment, critique, or exception. Embrace yourself and all your parts, whether some of those parts may feel out of sync with your higher consciousness, whether they are disdainful to you or not. Gather them in and accept them with a very deep loving embrace. Tend to each part as if it is a jewel just needing to be shined and incorporated into your wholeness, your Shining Divinity.

We offer you now a prayer, an affirmation or invocation, if you will, to help you along in this endeavor:

“I Love and accept myself, my whole self, all parts and aspects of myself, wholly and completely, without reservation or exception…including my perceived imperfections.

I bundle it all up with abandon to be embraced and accepted and absorbed and integrated by and into and with my Divinity, without judgment or regret, or exception.

I welcome my Divine Self wholly and completely as it finds a Lighted, welcoming home in my physical body, and harmonizes with all aspects of me, taking the lead in all I do, feel, or say.

I embrace my embodiment with full and complete attention and reverence, and I thank my physical body for its transformation and transition to this union.

So it is”

So, beloveds, the key, you see, is and has always been, a complete and whole acceptance and Love for yourself, down to the core, without exception. Embrace the purity that is you. Know that any imperfections as you see it are just untarnished jewels waiting to be shined with your Unconditional Love and Acceptance and Embrace.

This is So, beloveds. Know that you have come a long, long way to becoming the Beautiful Pristine Divine Self that you are currently embodying with each stroke of Love that you give yourself.

We are yours in support, Truly and Completely,


Yeshua and Mary Magdalene

Transmitted 11.1.20

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Copyright © 2011-2020 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message and audio with your friends and on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this entire copyright with links are included, as well as the direct link back to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “Divine Love Empowerment” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda


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Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “Divine Love Empowerment” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda Continue reading

New Message from Yeshua: A New Day ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 5-19-19

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New Message from Yeshua: A New Day ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 5-19-19

Audio:  YeshuaNewDay5.19.19


Dear Sweet Beings,

This is a new day. Yes, it is a new day every day for you, but I am referring to a New Day, brought in by the New Light … Always and forever spiraling into higher vibration and frequency and allowing you to reach higher and higher dimensions.

Your divine embodiment is a delight to see. It is taking you to places that you have not been before, or rather I mean, to places you don’t always remember. For to be fully embodied with your Divine Self, to be fully in Christ Consciousness, is something you came here to do at this time, from a calling and an intent birthed many eons ago, yet, the likes of which was not ever fully comprehended.

Some of you remember us in the higher realms telling you that nothing will ever be the same, or work the same, and to be prepared for feeling lost and feeling like nothing is clicking like before, like nothing plays out the same, with a feeling of abandoning all that is familiar, and being thrust into the unknown more and more. Well, you have no doubt felt this, but now it is even more true than before.

Yet with this new phase, it is so possible to feel like you are dancing on this new energy, if you let yourself. This new light absorbs your Being, as you absorb it, and it is glorious.

Beloveds, take a few moments now to orient yourself to how you are feeling in your Heart. Are you feeling Joy? Empowerment? Fullness? Completeness? All of these are possible right now, if you let yourself absorb the New Light and dance on the new energy like never before.

From this will come a form of Peace that you have never felt before, and a new creativity that you have been wanting to experience. And all is at your fingertips as you touch the new energy and welcome it.

Integration time is necessary. And patience. And acceptance. I have talked with you before of discarding all beliefs and patterns that keep you stuck in duality. Well, many of you are doing just that, and it is opening up your energy like never before.

You are Beautiful Stars shining brightly, dear ones. Please know this. You are safe and vibrant in this new energy. It is empowering you to become more and more your True Divine Self. It is beautiful to see, my dear ones, so beautiful to see. I commend you all for enduring many difficult moments where you were not sure if you would make it. But you are emerging as your True Divine Self. You are integrating your Higher Self at a new level. And there is so much more to see and experience, beloveds!

My love for you goes without saying. Feel it now, beloveds. And feel the deeper love you now have for yourselves and for each other, even those you once felt separate from, or disconnected from, or who were unawakened. The world is teaming with bright lights of awakened souls now, beloveds, and as you embrace them, and even those that are not awakened, you feel a sense of deep Compassion and Oneness with All that Is.

Take a moment, dear ones, to ponder where you are in your journey. Are you seeing yourself differently? Are you accepting yourself where you are right now, with full and deep Compassion and Love? That is the key to your progress beloveds; this is a New Day and in that, comes full acceptance of yourself as you are and where you are each moment.

From this, streams and births faster and faster growth and embodiment.

You will find yourself, more and more, acting, speaking, Being, from the hearth and helm of your Higher Self, with the feeling that there is no longer separation between you and your Higher Self, and from that, you feel less separation from others and from others’ beliefs, for you are discovering the neutrality and non-judgment of embracing All just as it is, and allowing it to be infused with Grace and Purpose and Clarity and Harmony and Love, and transforming it to a higher dimensional perspective. It sparkles in the new light and is repurposed to higher vibration and frequency — energy that can be infused into all density and thus be transformed.

So, beloveds, I leave you with these thoughts and this energy I have infused throughout this transmission, to assist you in integrating this New Light and to bring you further along in this, your New Day.

My Heart is your Heart, Beloveds. My love for you cannot be measured, yet it is so True and All-Encompassing, and my hope is that you allow yourselves to absorb it and feel it and match it with your own deep Divine Love for yourselves and others.


Forever and Always, I AM your loving brother, Yeshua


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Copyright © 2011-2019 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, (complete with the full and complete audio when provided), on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.


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Mary Magdalene: Embrace Your Eternal Nature ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 11.26.17


AUDIO: Fran Zepeda.11.26.17




Mary Magdalene: Embrace Your Eternal Nature ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 11.26.17


The Sweetness of Life is upon you. The Joy that is yours is ever-present. Because you choose it, dear ones. Embrace the Sweetness, embrace the Joy, for it is always at your fingertips. For you are Multidimensional and powerful beyond the scope of your understanding, dear ones.

Feel the Light as it is welcomed by your cells, by your body. You are living in a new LightWorld. Step into it in every moment of your Presence.

My Beloveds, you are exquisite in your vibrant Lightbodies. The Crystalline nature of you is ever-increasing. Feel the changes, welcome the changes, BE the changes. Allow yourself to breathe in and out, feel the ebb and flow of this new energy you have stepped into, with your acceptance and your choice.

It is exquisite.

I wish to talk with you about your eternal nature. Embrace your Eternal Nature. You are tapping into it with a deeper understanding of its inevitability. The expansiveness you are beginning to feel is testament to this. Embrace your Expansiveness, embrace your Higher Consciousness. Step into your new reality of choosing to be in the higher dimensions while walking around in your earth suit.

Feel the Joy and the Bliss of experiencing everything from this Eternal Nature. And when you must be in daily life, dealing with daily matters, it is viewed and executed from this higher perspective, this higher consciousness.

You have entered into a new Reality, Beloveds. And the old is falling away. Lift yourselves with each breath, with each heartbeat … expand into a sustaining place of Joy and Grace and Love. Feel the softness and yet the vibrancy of this new frequency and dimension you are experiencing.

Divine Love is the container for you to live in now. Everything is defined and motivated by this container if you allow it. Within this container you cannot feel unsafe, you cannot feel lacking, you cannot feel depleted, for it is ever-flowing and sustaining.

And within it is the Sweetness, within it is the Joy, ever-present as long as you embrace this constant Divine Love container that you live in, Beloveds.

Feel the calmness and the Peace of it. Step into your eternal nature of higher consciousness, fully immersed in Love, Beloveds.

It will have the ability to change your perspective on everything, when you dip into daily life, when you walk amongst those not awakened. For you spark their awakening, bestow the seed of awakening, upon those you walk with.

Embrace your eternal nature, Beloveds. Embrace your Divine Being that is becoming fully embodied within this physical vehicle. You have opened the curtain to your eternal nature that sees all things from a divine perspective. Rejoice, Beloveds. And be in Joy. You are ‘Living Light’ now. Embrace it. And sustain it with each breath you take.

Whatever you are experiencing that may draw your attention away from this Divine Nature, this Eternal Nature that you are, is just a ‘drop in the bucket’ of your new Reality. The solution will come easily and effortlessly as you embrace these higher frequencies that allow you to see everything from your eternal nature.

I ‘stand’ before you as an equal, as an encouragement to embrace your Full Divine Selves in everything you do. Hold everything in the Light of your Divine Selves, Beloveds, and the solution will come. The understanding will come. Who you truly Are Will BEcome.

Forever and always, I am your companion in this beautiful dance you call Life.


I AM Mary Magdalene


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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, (complete with the full and complete audio when provided), on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.


Lady Nada: You All Are Precious Jewels ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 3.19.17

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AUDIO: LadyNada.PreciousJewels..3.19.17


Greetings, Beloveds, I AM Lady Nada. I greet you all in your divine glory, your beautiful, divine glory, your divine essence that is so eminent and prominent within you now. I greet you now, to show you how precious you are, how unique and precious you are.

I see the illumination of your beautiful unique Selves.  You are all like sparkling jewels, each special and unique in your own way, illuminated by the Light of the Sun, and you shine so brightly and exquisitely, as you show your many facets of your divine essence, with all the light coming in now.

It’s important to not compare yourselves with others. It diminishes the shine and the illumination and the glow of your unique facets. Love yourselves so much that you become brighter and lighter, and shine so much more radiantly. Love yourselves so much that you glow and spread that glow to everyone.

Be content and happy where you are now in your development, for that is how you can spread and expand yourself. Don’t diminish yourself by comparing yourself with others. I see you all shining and precious. You’re all so beautiful.

I love you all. Love yourselves so much that you feel the glow of that love waking up every part of you, waking up all the gifts within you. Don’t diminish yourself by expecting something different from yourself than who you are. Go within and find that deep essence of your divine glory.

Love yourselves, Beloveds. Be content in the knowing that you are rising in frequency every moment. As the energies of the equinox stream in, please just open and allow your beautiful essence to illuminate and rise in its own pace and time. Don’t be afraid of expanding. Love yourself and allow the Great Central Sun, allow Source, to penetrate your essence, and shine the facets of your precious self, your precious jeweled self.

As we approach the Equinox, remember to be within yourselves and feel your divine essence, feel your crystalline structures and essence. Know that you are where you should be at this moment. You are so precious and so unique, and you shine with such love and sparkling divine essence.

I love you with all my heart. Take some moments every day to honor how beautiful and precious you are. Feel this deep love for yourself. You’ve come so far. You are coming into your own; you are lifting in frequency every moment. Know that and abide by that, and trust it.

The love that you feel for yourself is magnified throughout your body, throughout the cosmos. Be content in knowing that you are shining so brightly, and no one can diminish it. Even the pockets of clearing that you keep facing cannot diminish the shine and glory of your divine essence. It may cloud you; it may cloud your knowing that you are a sparkling jewel of the divine, but never diminish it. It will never be diminished. It is there always.

Know this, Beloveds. I want you to know how precious you are. You each have your own unique divine path. And you are contributing to the whole all the time, with your unique gifts and sparkling essence. Don’t deny that within yourself.

You are so loved, so know this. Love yourself so much that you grow and glow in complete acknowledgement of your true essence. Be in complete acceptance of your own unique divine essence and it will spark a knowing and a revelation of your true purpose, of your true gifts, and forever will you be illuminated in your own divine glory, as the sparkling jewel that you are, with all you have to offer the world for its divine illumination.

I AM Lady Nada, and I give you my Love and encourage you to love yourself just as deeply, my precious jewels.


 BONUS CHANNELING!:  I am also including here an earlier direct voice channeling from Lady Nada on a similar topic that was interrupted by a loud dog barking outside, so I inadvertently ended the recording and since she had more to say, Lady Nada then came in again to offer the channeling presented above. Here is the interrupted channeling which she asked me to give you also, but due to the lateness of the hour, didn’t have time to transcribe it:

BONUS AUDIO: LadyNada.LoveYourselves.3,19.17


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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, complete with the full and complete audio, on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.



A short Transmission of LOVE from Lady Nada: “You Are the Light of the World” ~ Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ February 27, 2017

pic credit:

AUDIO: ladynada2-27-17lightofworld


“Dear Beloveds, I AM Lady Nada. I come to you with Infinite LOVE and Infinite Blessings, to all who are receiving this Light Transmission Now.

There is great transformation in this world now, in your world, in your inner world, as reflected in your outer world, and all who abide by their Hearts are swept into this beautiful peaceful state of being, held in place by Divine Love.

Divine Love is the marker and the ‘Light-house’ way of knowing who you are and what you bestow upon the world. Nothing can dissolve the beautiful Loving Heart of your Being. Breathe it into your Being, and without you, all through the dimensions and spheres of being.

Beloveds, stay within your Heart, and know that you are embarking on your True Path, always in Divine Love and Bliss, sharing it with others.

Beloveds, embrace your Divine Heart, now and always. Be in Transformation every moment, expanding your Heart-Base, expanding the Love within you, allowing it to transform every part of you.

You are the Light of the World, Beloveds; you just need to know it, and release it, and allow it.

You are the Light of the World …. Allow it, Beloveds!”


~ From Direct Voice Channeling of Lady Nada 2.27.17 through Fran Zepeda


*For my Services, please click Here

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*Donations are lovingly and gratefully accepted Here


Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, complete with the full and complete audio, on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.



Mary Magdalene: “Walk with Me and Feel my Love” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ February 5, 2017  

Received 2.5.17 by Fran Zepeda

AUDIO of Direct Voice Channeling: marymagdalene-2-5-17


imagesText of Mary Magdalene’s Message:

Greetings Beloveds, I AM Mary Magdalene. I come to you in a blissful state, so that you may bring forth this within you.

All the happenings in this world are for a purpose. And they do not follow always the path of Love. But you have that within you, to transform all into the path of Love.

I beseech you, beloveds. Stay within that blissful, high vibration, loving state. For all will benefit, and you will rise into your Excellence, of Pure Love Energy, transforming all around you.

It is not for anyone to take that away from you. Do not listen to the utterings of those in fear. They just follow the old human ways of living on this earth. But you have a new way, beloveds. You have a way of living that encompasses everything that is Love and Bliss and Harmony, and All That Is.

Beloveds, walk with me. Walk with me and feel my Love. Feel my Bliss. Feel my Harmony … and Grace. For that is for your taking, at all times. For it is You, when you are Free of the emotions of fear, when you are Free of the emotions of doubt. And feel the rise in your energy when you accept that All is Well … All Is as it should be.

All Consciousness is rising, beloveds. Get aboard that ‘train’ of high vibration and Love. For it is there for you to enter, and to embrace.

You are so loved. You are Perfection. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. You meet your human self every day and have the choice to feel the higher qualities of Christ Consciousness, of Unity Consciousness, of Pure Source Embodiment. It is There! …. It is THERE.

Allow yourself to be there. Ride on the waves of Pure Love and Grace and Ease. Color everything with your Love. Perform every act with your Love. Create what you want with such deep Love for yourself and others. It can switch in a moment. Don’t be afraid to try.

You are tapping the Higher Realms all the time. You are There. Do not be deterred by what is seemingly happening all around you, for it is just the dying of the old ways, making themselves bold around you, but at the same time, it can be flicked away with the switch of your perspective, to bring in the positive, loving, graceful way of Being.

Beloveds, tap that within you. You are all at the forefront of this, those who listen to me (this message).

Follow my energy, as you listen. Feel the clarity of only looking at things from a pure, innocent place, from a pure Present Moment.

All just falls away that is in resistance, when you allow yourself to do that. You are so capable of being in this higher, loving embrace of life. Allow it to enter into every cell of your body, this Pure, Loving, Graceful Embrace of Life.

Feel Creator’s Love as you do this, for it is all (what) you are capable of. You can match it every moment that you choose to.

Beloveds, you are the same as my energy when you allow your Pure Divine Essence, your Pure Loving Essence to be at the forefront of every thought and every action.

Nothing can deter you from creating the Highest and Best Life for you and for all those around you, by choosing to be in Creator’s embrace, by choosing to demonstrate Creator’s Love, by being your Pure Divine Self in this very moment. Just allow it … Allow it, dear ones.

I love you with all my Heart.

With Pure Love Essence,

I AM Mary Magdalene.


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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, complete with the full and complete audio, on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Direct Voice Channeling of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene by Fran Zepeda ~ 1.7.17

franHello Everyone….Below is the direct recording of a voice channeling that came through me tonight. I could feel it wanting to come through so I was guided to get my little digital recorder and channel this beautiful message I was receiving from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

I had just put a load of laundry in, as you may hear in the background, but I was so absorbed by the message coming through me, compelled to get it on the recorder, that I didn’t even remember or realize that the background noise was there until I listened to the recording afterwards … I was so taken over by the message coming through that the background noise was blocked out by the potent moments of receiving the message in the Now … All I could hear and feel was the energy and message vibrating in my body and pounding in my ears and I had completely forgotten in that moment that I had even started the laundry!

That is laughingly how my memory has been lately, and how quickly I can be transported into another space and “time” lately, as I’m sure you may relate to!….So please excuse all that and enjoy the message and the energy coming through.

Below the recording, I have transcribed the message into writing for you, in case you would like to read it also, and I have transcribed it as closely as I could, according to the energy and delivery of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene’s message, as it and they came through.

I recommend you listen to the message first, though, as its energy is powerful and is encoded with lightcodes, love, energy, healing and light information, and the transcript likewise carries forth that energy as well.

As you know, I usually type up the message as it is being transmitted to me, and then sometimes record it afterwards while the Ascended Master is still present, but this time it was different….

…So I give it to you to listen to and to feel and absorb the beautiful energy and words and lightcodes. It filled me with love, healing, and joy while channeling it, and again while listening to it after it was recorded. May it do the same for you.


With My Love and Blessings,

Fran Zepeda








Transcription of Voice Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene…”Do You Know How Powerful You Are?” Channeled by Fran Zepeda 1.7.17



Yeshua and Mary Magdalene:

“Do You Know How Powerful You Are?”


“Beautiful Beloveds, do you know how powerful you are?

The beauty within you wants to come out. The beautiful gifts within you want to come out. Do you understand that the time is Now for you to give those gifts to the world. It’s time to dig deep within you and find those gifts, those beautiful gifts that are ready to come forth.

It’s no longer about who you were. It’s no longer about where you’ve been. It’s about Now, and who you are, Now, in this Moment. And beloveds, deep deep within you are so many Gifts waiting to come out, so many gifts waiting to share.

We love you with all our Heart, as You are learning to love yourselves with All your Heart. And that is laying the ground for your beautiful gifts to come forth, your beautiful gifts that are only unique to you.

Beloveds, you’ve come So far, you’ve been through So much. It’s not about looking back anymore. It’s about grasping this moment So Full within your Heart that all you can give is more of your Love, that all you can give is more of your Gifts.

Beloveds, this deep Love and Joy that you are building every moment, as the light comes streaming in, it’s grasping the depth of you, and bringing forth who you are, bringing forth All that you are, and you can see it as if it was in a Limelight, you can see it as you’ve never seen it before, if you let it beloveds, if you Let your Light and your Love come forth like you’ve never seen it before … and within that are creations that you didn’t even know you had, that you didn’t even know you could do.

Do you know how powerful you are? … Do you know that you can bring forth so much, based on so much Love, bringing forth insights and ideas that can be quickly molded into Creations to Share For the World, To the World and With the World.

Love has always been the answer. You know this, beloveds. It’s never been about who you are anymore, or who you were, anymore. It’s about who you Choose to be.

How do you flesh out that beautiful Divine Essence that you Are? How do you bring forth your Uniqueness and your Love … so you can share it with such Joy and Abundance? How do you do this, beloveds? How do you feel your power? … You allow the Love to well up in you so much that all you want to do is Create, to Give, to Show who you are.

And there are so many surprises in there. Maybe it’s not all something that you can see yet, maybe it’s all not totally formed yet, but can you feel it, beloveds? – Can you feel that there are rumblings within you that want to show More of who you are, to Share more of who you are, to Serve the world in a way that makes your heart sing …

That’s what all of this has been about, beloveds. That’s why you’ve been through all you have been through, clearing and working through all the caverns and the valleys … and the peaks, to clear yourself so much that you become a ‘crystal teardrop of love’, waiting to drop on anything and anyone that needs your essence …

… For in the teardrop, where there used to be pain, is crystal-clear Love and Creation.

Beloveds, don’t worry about where your life is leading. It already knows where it’s going, if you just follow it step-by-step, moment-by-moment, laughter-by-laughter, idea-by-idea, and watch it blossom …. Watch it Blossom!

No, it’s not about who you’ve been, beloveds, and it isn’t even about where you’re going. It’s where you Are right Now, allowing this Moment to bloom, to BE  ALL of who you are in this moment. Feel your heart Bursting with Joy as you realize how powerful you are in each moment. You can gather all your strength and all your power, which is based on Love.

Beautiful beloveds, you are so powerful, You can create anything. It just needs your Love and your Intention and your Joy and your Passion of wanting to create it, and then watch it as it blooms.

Beautiful beloveds, we love you and we support you, and we want you to feel our Love and our Essence so that you can realize that it is just as powerful as you are, and You are just as powerful as we are, because we are the same. You are Masters Now.

Beautiful beloveds, we love you and we support you, now and forever.

All our Love,

We are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene”


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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, complete with the full and complete audio, on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Lady Nada: What Would Love Do? ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Audio: ladynadawhatwouldlovedo-2

pinterest.comGreetings, Beloveds. I AM Lady Nada and I come forth into your consciousness, illuminating your Pure Love Essence that is at your core. I reflect and illuminate this immense potential you have to allow Divine Love to be at the core of everything you do, say and think.

As you expand your Beingness, as you accept the pure LoveLight that catalyzes and sparks your pure crystalline nature, and as your energy unleashes all the potential you have in your DNA, you awaken to more Beauty, and Joy and Grace than you have ever thought possible.

Nestle now into this Flow of Divine Love that washes over and through you, beloveds, for it is the keeper of your Soul, the purpose of your Being, and the color of your Being within … and actions without … and is awash with such Grace and Purity as you revel in and nestle down into this Pure Love Essence that is at the core of you. It IS YOU, beloveds.

You know this, and you are accepting the deep fathoms of its meaning and presence, in a deeper way as you allow your True Self to emerge … as you allow your Divine Self to emerge … and take over your very existence, as you let go of each belief and mindset that impedes your knowing that Love is All There is. Love is Everything. Love is your Totality.

And so, you may ask yourself, beloveds, as you accept that You Are Divine Love: “What would Love do?”

Love would Embrace, would it not? It would embrace All That Is, whether deemed something in your sphere of prior acceptance or not;

Love would Understand with Compassion, would it not, all that you once rejected?

Love would Accept, would it not, all that presents within your sphere of Being, to be with it in neutrality and quiet stillness, until Peace ensues?

Love would Nurture, would it not? It would nurture all that hurts within and all that feels uncomfortable, with the Light of Acceptance and the Embrace of Compassion, until it is illuminated and transformed into Pure Love Essence …

Love would Know, would it not, that nothing is incapable of being forgiven, that nothing is ever forsaken, that all is part of your growth and evolution?

Love would be honored to BE all that you Are in this moment and would know that you are whole and complete and perfect just as you are, ever evolving into deeper Love and Purity with each breath you take of the LoveLight available for your taking. 

And Love would Know that ALL IS LOVE, for there is nothing else under the Sun that cannot be transformed in LoveLight to Pure Love Essence that is always at your core — nothing so negative, nothing so contradictory, nothing so extreme, nothing so uncomfortable, and nothing so unclear — for bathed in the light of Love, All is transformed, and Peace ensues.

So Beloveds, embrace the Pure Divine Love at your core, embrace it more each minute of every day, and converse with it and envelop it, for it is the motivator of your Soul, and the answer to everything under the Sun.


I AM Lady Nada, in Pure Love Essence.


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Received October 17, 2016. Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Free Download of Mary Magdalene’s Pure Love Activation/Meditation – by Fran Zepeda

imagesHello Everyone!

I hope to be offering new channelings and offerings soon, but in the meantime, I would like to offer you this free download of an Mp3 I have co-created with Mary Magdalene: Mary Magdalene’s PURE LOVE ACTIVATION/MEDITATION, which I am guided at this time to share freely with all the subscribers of my Blogs. Enjoy!

For Mp3, please click here:  MaryMPureLoveActivation MusicbyThaddeus

This is a guided meditation Mp3 with an activation by Lady Master Mary Magdalene, to activate, expand and deepen the Pure Love Essence within us in further advancement of Ascension. (Music by Thaddeus ~

I am also including links to the posts containing the transcript to the Activation as well as Mary Magdalene’s Pure Love Teaching, here:

Pure Love Activation from Mary Magdalene ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Mary Magdalene: You Are Pure Divine Love – Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Blessings and Love to you,



Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.