MasterQuote17: Mary Magdalene: A Renaissance


imagesMary Magdalene:

“Beloveds, precious ones, you are bringing forth a complete Renaissance in these glory-filled days, like no other in history, a complete Renaissance of your former Divine Selves, of your True Divine Essence. A rebirth, vibrating and pure in all its potential, manifesting now in a complete and whole way.

You are gathering up all your aspects to present yourself to the world, unabashed and unmitigated, a shining jewel of Divine Awareness and Presence.

And this is your purpose here. It is your birthright. It is You, the real you.

Get used to it, beloveds. The old is falling away, to reveal the precious jewel that you are.

Do not be afraid to show it to the world now. For the world awaits it with a pulsing heart….”


Received December 28, 2015


Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

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MasterQuote16: Lady Nada on “Trusting Yourself”

Lady Nada:

“To trust yourself is to welcome a whole plethora of knowledge within, just waiting to be revealed to you. To trust yourself is to acknowledge the deep and ever-lighted divinity within you, the connection to your highest parts of yourself, your connection with Source.

And so, dear ones, trust yourself and allow the wealth of knowledge and possibilities just waiting to be shown to you, just waiting to be revealed, just waiting to be born of the truth within.

And so, to acknowledge your divinity fully is to trust yourself, and to trust yourself is to carry the divinity within you and hold it in extreme honor and treasuring, to know you can access it at any time and you are never alone, that you are never without insights that will lead you to navigate your world with grace and splendor and innocent curiosity, all the while fully relaxed in the knowing that you have it all within you, that you have all you need within you, just waiting to be tapped.

So, to trust yourself is to honor the divinity within, and allowing the divinity within to grow and flourish allows you to have that inherent and basic and unwavering trust in yourself.”

Channeled by Fran Zepeda through Higher Self August 12, 2014


Copyright © 2011-2014 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.


MasterQuote15: Yeshua and Mary Magdalene on “Illumination”

imagesYeshua and Mary Magdalene:

“Each one of you in your own way and in your own time is holding a piece of the puzzle that “makes the world go ‘round”, as they say, and as such, each piece is like a ray of light that you each are holding high, and it completes in itself what all have begun many eons ago.

Holding your own ray of light allows for the rich tapestry of Oneness to exist, dear ones. And in holding your own ray of light, you are performing your mission. It is beautiful to see all these rays, like facets in a diamond that is glowing ever brighter each day.

Hold your Light high, dear ones. You are illuminating more than this beautiful Gaia. You are lighting up the whole Galaxy, Universe, and Multiverse.


Channeled by Fran Zepeda August 4 2014

©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are

MasterQuote14: Archangel Zadkiel on Your Radiant Divinity


Artist Unknown

MasterQuote14: Archangel Zadkiel on Your Radiant Divinity:

 “The radiance that is your true self has many facets and within those facets are even more facets, and on and on, and so on into infinity. You are comprised of so many facets, and Beloveds, you are venturing to gather all those facets into and unto yourselves and in that, are creating a brilliance that is indescribable.

We give you that you are immense in your scope and thus you can easily see that Oneness is not far from being understood if you consider that concept and idiom in that light.

And so beloveds, rejoice in your immense Radiance for it is affecting the world in so many ways.  Allow it to grow as you integrate all your facets by being aware of them and welcoming them to you in all their glory.

For you are immense. You are of Source. You are glorious. You are One with all.

And how do you integrate your facets? Your aspects? By continuing to clear, and by continuing to absorb more Light and by allowing and loving the many parts of you, even those unknown to you at this time. By considering yourself as whole and complete, without exception. By knowing you are One with Source.

By discarding the cloak of separateness.

By having such immense Love for who you are…With deep Gratitude for all you are.

And by welcoming and owning your Divine Self as the whole of you.  By thanking your ego for its part in your awakening and absorbing it into yourself with Love as part of you but not the whole of you, not the controller of you.

By letting your True Divine Self BE in all its glory.

I continue to be available to assist you with my Violet Flame in transmuting all that doesn’t serve you so that you can BE Radiance as your True Divine Self. Just call on me.

I AM Zadkiel, at your service.”

Channeled by Fran Zepeda June 26, 2014

©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are


MasterQuote13: Pallas Athena on Gems of Divinity Pallas Athena on Gems of Divinity

“The gem of your existence, the precious gem of your existence, each of you in your own way, is beginning to show the brilliant crystalline structure of who you are, the crystalline divine essence, of so many facets and qualities.

The strength and shine of each of you in your unique gem form is showing ever so brightly and completely as you venture to explore the precious gem within you, the divine nature that can be none other than perfection and can do nothing other than bring graceful exuberant divine emergence into your reality, making all reality more prone to cosmic perfection and ebullient, effervescent magnificence.

Some of you are rubies, some diamonds, sapphires or emeralds or other precious gems…but all brilliant in your divine essence just the same.

So shine dear ones, more than ever, as you have all the tools available to you now. It just takes your reaching within in your quiet time and continuing to unearth the splendor of your once-hidden gems of divinity.

I am forever your abiding servant in this new discovery of yourselves in all your divine splendor.


Channeled by Fran Zepeda June 12 2014


©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are

picture credit: Pauline Battell

MasterQuote12: Mary Magdalene and Yeshua on Bliss and ONEness

imagesMasterQuote12: Mary Magdalene and Yeshua on Bliss and ONEness:

“Dear Beloveds. We are blended together in Bliss as we encompass your energy in ours and ours in yours. We are Bliss Personified and together we open up new vistas and roads to the Divine today.

Forever and always we touch Source and Source touches us all. We are Source. We are Love. We are Bliss. We are Abundance. We are Harmony.

There is no separation anymore – Can you feel it? Surrender now, dear ones, to the welcoming embrace of Source, your true core – Your true Divine Nature is unfolding and never will you be the same. Pull out all the stops and melt into the Bliss that is your core, that is your True Being.

Together we embrace all of humanity, we embrace all of the Universe, and we embrace all of the Multiverse. We embrace Source in Oneness. Can you feel it, dear Beloveds? We are One.”

Channeled by Fran Zepeda June 1, 2014


©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, beautiful synchronicity and this notice and links are included.


MasterQuote11: Yeshua and Mary Magdalene on Honoring the Divine in All

imagesYeshua and Mary Magdalene:

“As you embark on your increasingly vibrant journey of LOVE, remember to honor everything about yourself, and likewise, honor everything in others.

Nothing is of substance unless you give it such, so in honoring all, including yourself, there is no judgment or separation, and therefore of no substance.

Separation and Judgment is no longer your world unless you give it substance, so dear ones, only give substance to Love and Honoring the Divine in All.

Namaste’ ”

Channeled by Fran Zepeda May 21, 2014


©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, beautiful synchronicity and this notice and links are included.


MasterQuote10: Lady Nada on LOVE

LADY nADA2Lady Nada:

“No matter what you do, stay IN LOVE always. Let it Be the cushion of your Soul, the cover of your Being. Filter every perception through it.

Love every obstacle, every person or thing you see in your way of happiness and fulfillment.

Be IN LOVE 24/7: Let Love be your vehicle, your currency, and your ‘looking glass’ in everything you do and say from Now on.

Allow LOVE to Color everything in your wake. Let it be your guiding Light.

Let LOVE be the Bubble you live in from Now on – Let everything that comes into this bubble be immediately transformed into Grace and Lightness and Clarity.

LOVE is Now your New Way of Being and Seeing – Everything else is illusion, dear ones.

You are now a walking, living example of LOVE. Everything you touch is transformed into Love and Lightness as long as you abide by your new ‘Code of Love’ :

 Let Nothing be said or done without first couching it IN LOVE.”


 Channeled by Fran Zepeda May 2, 2014

©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.

MasterQuote9: Lady Nada and Mother Mary on Compassion – Channeled by Fran Zepeda

compassionroseLady Nada and Mother Mary April 21, 2014:

“Compassion is the emergence of LOVE in every part of your perception….Compassion for yourself and compassion for others – it is all the same. Forgiveness is a big part of it…. Forgiveness of yourself, forgiveness of others.

Do you get the picture? Compassion wells up in you as you put away all walls of separation and judgment and see all as a part of you and you as a part of All.

Compassion wells up in you as you settle into your Divine Self and realize All is Divine and Eternal. It wells up in you as you accept yourself and accept others fully and without condition…and accept all others as Divine. It is the end-all of Being LOVE in everything you do and perceive.

It is exquisite. It is the ultimate expression of your Love. It is a gentleness as you embrace all others in perfection and empathic acceptance – It is the ultimate expression of your Love for All. It is Grace personified. It gives you Joy upon embracing it fully and upon letting go of all impediments to your full expression of it.

It is You as you are embracing your Divinity.


©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, beautiful synchronicity and this notice and links are included.


MasterQuote8: Mother Mary and Lady Nada on HAPPINESS – Channeled by Fran Zepeda

happinessMother Mary and Lady Nada 4.17.14:

“Dearest Ones, Happiness is a state of mind. Be in and “travel” to that state often. It is there below the surface always, merely covered up by regret, doubt, longing, and feelings of lack. Dust it off. Shine it to full glory. Feel it in every ounce of your Body and Being.

Smile with your heart now, dear ones, and feel the glow permeate your very Being. This is how you were made to be and what you truly are. You have just collected residue on this natural state of your Being over the years of duality, covering up your inherent Happiness.

As you are allowing your natural state of Being to show though more and more, by allowing your Divinity to shine in its full Christ Consciousness, revel in the lightness and freedom it brings. Step out of those old mindsets you have clung to for years to protect yourself, and emerge now in full glory within your Divinity! That is where your Happiness lies, dear ones.”


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©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.