Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Embrace Your Divinity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Embrace Your Divinity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Channeled and Presented by Fran Zepeda 11.1.20

Greetings, Beloveds, I AM Yeshua. I AM Mary Magdalene. Together we embrace you with Eternal Love and Respect. 

This is a time of all times; this is a time of all measures to bring you once again to your true form and true life. We beseech you to not focus on all the feelings of fear and concern as you watch and experience the dismantling, the destruction, and the chaos.

For this is the only way to build a new way of Being, a new way of Living, a new way of Perceiving, a new way of Existing.

It may feel like you are like a tree in Fall, and all the leaves of your life are dying off. However, what is building and what is unseen, like the tree, is new life force to emerge anew when the time is right, and for a tree, it is Spring. But you do not necessarily have to wait until Spring to see your new growth from this building Divine Life Force that is occurring from within.

What is nurturing it and sustaining it is your ability to stay in the high frequencies of Love and Joy and Bliss and Peace and Harmony and Grace, and to envision every day what you wish to build.

What is feeding it is the revealing more and more of your true nature, the embodiment of your Higher Self, your Soul, your Oversoul, your I AM Presence, your Divinity … becoming more and more at home and present within this beautiful physical body of yours.

Take some time each day to honor your physical body, your physical vehicle, as it hosts the changes that will allow your Divine Self to find a permanent home, a permanent lighted home for it to be eternally present.

Each day delve deeper into your Heart Center and find all the Purity and Love and Clarity that is there for you to enjoy and be guided by.

This recent clearing period with the full moon was massive for many and continues to be so for many. Do not despair, do not hold on to what comes up. This is an offering of the incoming light and energies to ready you for being a pristine home for your Divine Self to live and breathe and function as one with your physical body.

And you may notice that as you become one with your Divinity, and feel this Oneness, that you feel a Oneness with all of Humanity, with all the Cosmos, with All That Is of Source, for you indeed are a Divine Spark of Source that is becoming more and more ignited and enlivened and guided by the very essence of you, which is One with Source.

Embrace this, beloveds. Know this, Beloveds. Feel our Love and Support as you walk through this final corridor of transformation, which to many feels treacherous right now, which to many feels overwhelming and sometimes impossible.

But this is what you are designed for. Have confidence in that, Beloveds.

Now, more than ever, we guide you and support you in finding deep, deep Unconditional Love for yourself, without any judgment, critique, or exception. Embrace yourself and all your parts, whether some of those parts may feel out of sync with your higher consciousness, whether they are disdainful to you or not. Gather them in and accept them with a very deep loving embrace. Tend to each part as if it is a jewel just needing to be shined and incorporated into your wholeness, your Shining Divinity.

We offer you now a prayer, an affirmation or invocation, if you will, to help you along in this endeavor:

“I Love and accept myself, my whole self, all parts and aspects of myself, wholly and completely, without reservation or exception…including my perceived imperfections.

I bundle it all up with abandon to be embraced and accepted and absorbed and integrated by and into and with my Divinity, without judgment or regret, or exception.

I welcome my Divine Self wholly and completely as it finds a Lighted, welcoming home in my physical body, and harmonizes with all aspects of me, taking the lead in all I do, feel, or say.

I embrace my embodiment with full and complete attention and reverence, and I thank my physical body for its transformation and transition to this union.

So it is”

So, beloveds, the key, you see, is and has always been, a complete and whole acceptance and Love for yourself, down to the core, without exception. Embrace the purity that is you. Know that any imperfections as you see it are just untarnished jewels waiting to be shined with your Unconditional Love and Acceptance and Embrace.

This is So, beloveds. Know that you have come a long, long way to becoming the Beautiful Pristine Divine Self that you are currently embodying with each stroke of Love that you give yourself.

We are yours in support, Truly and Completely,


Yeshua and Mary Magdalene

Transmitted 11.1.20

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Copyright © 2011-2020 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message and audio with your friends and on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this entire copyright with links are included, as well as the direct link back to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Message from Lady Nada: “Hold a Candle to your Self-Love and make it Brighter” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ May 26, 2017


Dear Beloveds,

I come before you today to deliver an important message. It is about magnifying and intensifying your Self-Love more than ever. For in this, you will withstand and overcome any interference and fleeting confusion and doubts. Hold a Candle to your Self-Love and make it Brighter, Beloveds.

By this I mean, hold yourself most dear. Hold yourself in high esteem, know that you are all you can be at this moment. Be enamored of your Heart, of your Soul, and your Purpose. Be totally in Love with yourself, with your Heart, with your Soul.

Beloveds, you have so much to give at this point. You are developing to full fruition, to full force. You are coming on-line with your full embodiment. And at the core is your Self-Love; it is shining bright. Decide to make it brighter, beloveds. See your heart as a glowing ember of full potential and put your focus on it ever more intently and allow it to explode even more into full flame and brightness. It will catapult your whole being into a new level of brightness.

Hold the warmth of the ‘candle of your potential for self-love’ close to your heart, and allow it to show you how much more you can hold yourself in self-adoration, self-esteem, wonderment and full potential. Even if you feel that this brings tears to your heart, or feels overwhelming, allow it to settle in and be more true for you.

Beloveds, also know that when you hold a candle to the wind, it extinguishes. By the ‘wind’, I mean succumbing to self-doubt, chaos and confusion, fear, or worry. Keep the ‘candle of your life’ close to your Heart at all times, and allow it to show you how bright and wondrous is your Self-Love and therefore, how bright and wondrous You Are.


I AM Lady Nada, always holding you in high esteem and Love.


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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, complete with the full and complete audio, on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.





Mother Mary: ”In Pure Love Essence We Breathe Together” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda


Hello beautiful LOVE BE-ings that you are. I come to you with the sweet LOVE ESSENCE that you ALL ARE — Complete and Whole in your Love BEing … In your sweet Love Essence. You breathe, pulse, and radiate Love with all that you are. Consider this as you tune into your quiet, still Heart Center. Love is all you are and all you are made up of. You are whole and complete in this Truth.

Many of you are feeling and discovering this. It is taking over your Reality. It feels simple yet very profound. You have allowed your Love Essence to emerge and stay at front center of your life now. It is the sweetness of BEing that you all have strived for. It is the sweetness of many lifetimes of striving to know and capture your True Essence. You have arrived. Yet, you still doubt it.

As you take up the awareness that YOU ARE LOVE in all its sweet glory, you begin to remember your roots: The pulsing beginnings of Love particles making up Source, profound and essential and infinite. You are discovering your True Divinity as you return your thoughts to your beginnings, that of Love and Purity.

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Lady Master Pallas Athena – Feel as if One with it All – Channeled by Fran Zepeda


pallas athenaReceived December 26, 2014


Lady Master Pallas Athena:

Hello, Dear Ones. It is I, Pallas Athena, infiltrating your very Being with Love and infinite completeness and wholeness, a wisp of Creator’s energy in every cell of your Being expanding at will with each breath of Love that you take.

Take a step with me now into the unknown and receive the sweet soft energy of Creator’s Infinite Love. Integrate it now into your very Being and get used to living within it as it is within you ever more securely as you integrate all your aspects into your unfathomable Beingness.

It is not for you to deny anymore. Fill yourselves with the Unconditional Love you have for yourself as a match to Creator’s Love for you. It is one and the same: The love you have for yourself and the love Creator has for you. Allow it to expand and spiral up in increasing depth and scope and swim in it as your true boundaries of your energy field become Infinite in scope.

It is your birthright. It is your essence and it is your totality, in purpose and beingness. You are magnificent in your Radiance, dear ones – Ever-increasing and magnetizing all that is the same high vibration that you attain and accept as your pinnacle, your highest energy frequency that you can attain as you receive and expand the high quality energies from Source as they are offered to you Now.

Being at one with yourself is being at One with All – Accepting yourself in complete Wholeness just as you are and always being open to receiving and integrating more aspects of yourself as part and parcel to you, ever expanding in scope and limitless essence.

And this dear ones, is the key. Always allow your limitless energy to expand. As you become more and more open to this, it shall be so, and encompass more of your true self which is morphing and expanding as we speak into the depths of your very Being in limitless form.

Feel as if you are liquid energy, yet soft as a feather. As your cells expand with Light, they naturally exude and expel all that no longer serves you. This is speeding up for many. So it is important that you do not resist. Allow the old and stuck energy to leave your cells freely to allow more room for your expanded Radiance of Pure Source Energy taking over all your cells and very Being.

The exquisiteness of your Radiance is so apparent to all around you and to the Celestial and Galactic Realms and it is becoming more apparent to you as you feel yourself lift and float in a sea of energy with glimpses of light becoming increasingly evident as you close your eyes.

You are becoming synonymous with this high quality light energy now and there is becoming less and less separation with how you view or feel yourself, more and more content and capable of being within the expanding sea of energy that is Creator’s energy and essence.

So feel my strength and my purity of energy as you match it with your own and become comfortable in matching that strength and purity of energy that is your birthright.

Relish, revel and luxuriate in your expansiveness of your energy field now in preparation for further opportunity to expand and experience the higher dimensions at will. Many of you are ready for this. Many of you are there. Be at peace with that and spread your Love and Light accordingly to all with each breath you expel.

Feel your breath in and out as part of the Multiverse breathing in and out. Feel your breath in and out as a part of Source breathing in and out. Allow yourself to become liquid and flexible as you allow yourself to expand with each breath you take, in and out. Feel as if One with it All.


I AM Pallas Athena, and I breathe Love into you and with you.


Copyright © 2011-2014 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.


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Mother Mary: A Journey of Dimensions…Further Into the Realms of the Unknown


Channeled by Fran Zepeda August 26, 2014


Mother Mary:

Dear Sweet Ones, I accompany you on your journey again today to places unknown and to places unseen. I surround you with my Love in hopes you will find it easier to travel further into your heart, further into the unknown recesses of your Deep Heart connected eternally with Source, beloved Source from which we all were birthed and to which we all return.

But alas, your journey back to Source is alive and enriched with many experiences you did not have whence you began your journey. And this is much more preferable to not having had all these experiences with the 3d dimension of duality.

Yes, it may make it hard at times to leave it (the 3rd dimension) behind, and yes it may make it difficult at times not to be distracted by it, but very much like allowing yourself to keep focused on your meditation even with the experience of a fly buzzing around you, you are learning to use that “buzz” and distraction (of the 3d dimensional world) to go deeper into the realms of your higher thinking, your higher dimensions, your deeper connection with Love and the higher realms.

For in building the experiences of the 3rd dimension and duality, you have gained a greater grasp on your Multidimensional abilities. It is but just one dimension of many, you see, and now you are fully capable of entering Each dimension at will and with ease. It becomes a learned skill which is also a skill you are uncovering, for it has always been there.

That may seem like a paradox, dear ones, but indeed everything you are “learning”, everything you are delving into that relates to the higher dimensions, are actually a recapturing of those skills you were “born” with as you mingled with Source when it was your home.

And your home is beckoning you, but not as a way of leaving your physical experience, but more as an enhancement of experience of your physical body in the light realms. And now your “abode” becomes the lighted realms while fully experiencing your physical body and in that, both realms become one, and much more enhanced and creative than if you had stayed (or returned) solely in your light body.

For you will be learning – remembering, that is – to create from this new experience of your light body from the helms of your physical body, sort of like looking out the window of a cockpit, a celestial cockpit, with a beautiful wide expansive view of the unknown, capable of ‘flying” anywhere but with the maneuverability and perspective of a crystalline body that has “married” your physical body with your light body.

And this may seem a bit difficult to envision, but go back again to being in this envisioned cockpit with wide expanse of windows reaching all around you. You have no obstructed view anymore. You can go anywhere. You can observe and experience anything, yet you are also firmly grounded and connected with life on earth, with life on your “ship” from which you view this wide expanse now.

Nothing has changed but your perspective, nothing has changed but your expansion. You can utilize all you have learned and then venture out into the unknown with all these skills you learned in the 3rd dimension, as well as the ones you are rediscovering from” times past”, and so now you are a complete package of multidimensional possibilities.

Feel that as happening now. Accept that into your heart. Allow your heart to accept it. And you shall realize that you are already there. You will just need to open the shades of some of those “windows” that are all around you.

And that will require you to open your heart further. And you are doing that, dear ones. What a long way you have come. And you have come further than we could have ever dreamed, and you are going further than we could ever fathom.

For the sky is the limit and that is said in the sense of “sky” not only being that of your earth world, but that of galaxies, universes and the Multiverse. You are traveling quickly to the realms of the Great Central Sun from which you were born, and your bodies are becoming quickly acclimated to the change in atmospheric pressure the more you absorb the sweet precious Love Energy from On High.

And so I leave you with that image right now, as I enfold you in my great expansive arms of Unconditional Love as you embrace yourselves in that great expansive potential for Deep Unconditional Self-Love you have for yourselves. And now you are equipped to go further into the Realms of the Unknown.


In Peace and Eternal Love,

Mother Mary


Copyright © 2011-2014 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.



Mother Mary: Beautiful Transitions ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 30 2014


Mother Mary:

Hello dear Beloveds. The transitions you are all making into your higher aspects, into the higher realms, are monumental in scope, as each one of you ratchet up the vibrational ladder to refine yourselves further into the Divine Being that you are.

And as enlightening as it is for all of you, you sometimes find yourselves dipping a bit into your old ways of doing things. And this is alright, for every climb into higher frequencies and every success in integrating all your aspects and transforming the lower vibrations will sometimes take a little detour as you readjust and illuminate those parts of you that still need clearing and transmuting.

You must not see it as a failure or as a lack. For instead it is really an upgrade. You may not see it as such when you are delving into things you thought you had cleared or thought you had left behind for good. But instead, please look at it as part of the process of refining yourselves into the Divine Being that you are. Continue reading