Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “New Earth is Aglow in Your Hearts” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 3.22.20

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: “New Earth is Aglow in Your Hearts” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 3.22.20

Dearest Beloveds,

New Earth is Revealing Herself with all the Shifts taking place in this Now.

Hold the energy of Cooperation, Harmony, Love and Peace in your Hearts as the World (and Collective) takes a pause and flows further into her Divine place of Love, Neutrality, Peace and Harmony.

Dear Ones, you have allowed yourselves a major shift in Consciousness, and New Earth is now being held Lovingly in the arms of many.

Many Hearts have opened to the Divine Reality of a Love-Based World at a deeper and more profound and permanent level.

The concepts of Peace and Unity and Oneness are no longer an abstract. Sparkling Jewels of Divine Love, Peace, Serenity, Harmony and Unity are radiating and permeating into hidden dark areas of Consciousness to fulfill the Divine Purpose and Essence of all Souls and make them Whole again.

Alas, New Earth is becoming Manifest, and with it comes the Truth of the Essence of All – the True Purpose of All – to live in Divine Love and Harmony, in Divine Peace and Unity. Magical Beginnings for many are nigh and are becoming manifest as the higher vibrations and frequencies and levels that are being offered Now are chosen.

Stand tall within your Highest Energy, Dear Ones. Allow the sparkling jewels of Divine Love, Peace, Harmony and Unity to take permanent hold within your Hearts, and allow these sparkling Divine Rays to permeate all spaces within your energy fields and thus burst into the field of Oneness to nourish All in their Awakening.

I AM Yeshua, I AM Mary Magdalene, and together We hold you in awe and reverence for all you have accomplished. We magnify your Loving Essence even more with our Deep Love and Care for you. We continue to be at your service as you exude and implement your essence and service for the highest good of all humanity and New Earth.



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Copyright © 2011-2020 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, (complete with the full and complete audio when provided), on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.


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Bringing Forth the Light ~ by Fran Zepeda





I heard the call of the Raven** this morning, loud and persistent atop the tall trees outside. It wouldn’t let up its penetrating cries until I went outside to listen, and received and absorbed the beautiful potent golden Rays of the Sun and beyond, prompting me to go within and feel my core and illuminate and clear all there to be released.

And the Raven continued its cacophony, flitting back and forth from one to the other of three tall Redwood trees, each time resuming its serenade, beckoning, in an invitation to feel the beautiful divine essence at my core. The beautiful Raven welcomed me into its embrace of Oneness and I basked in the warmth and loving embrace of the energies present.

A little while later, the Raven flew away beyond my hearing, and as I came back into a new Now, the following message appeared from within me as the call awakened my Higher Self to be more present and to reveal more Truth within:

“The Fullness of Your Being Beckons you Now. Welcome it, Love it for All it is. For in that comes a further opening into your Full Divine Beingness.

As you illuminate the parts within that detract from that, that are no longer needed within you, that are pulling down your True Higher Being of Divine Essence, you gently let them go and thank them for their service.

For in their service to you, they have illuminated the Lightness of Your True Being, waiting to be revealed and embraced and honored and loved.

You don’t reject them or resist them, but instead be grateful to them, and hold them in your new Light of Awareness and allow them to be lit up and to return to Source to be cleared, absorbed and/or recycled.

You receive, discern, and hold the Gift at the core of it and move forward with new awareness of what you have learned and know, and your wholeness is renewed, refreshed and reborn to greater beginnings of wonderment.

And so, it goes, as you embrace more of your True Divine Essence without the trappings and attachments to withering and expiring ideas and beliefs that once served you but are no longer needed or necessary in the new higher vibration of your Being.

Your Joy and Passion cannot help but bubble up into your new enlightened Present and Presence, brought about by the gentle continued letting-go of old beliefs, ideas and duality-based consciousness.

For this is the way of your ascension, dear ones. Embrace it. Dance Lightly in your newfound Wholeness ever-more authentic to your core and march into the joy of remembering your True Self, your true purpose, and your many gifts.

Feel and tap into your Divine Essence more deeply, feel the immense LOVE there, the immense Peace and feeling of Oneness, and of Wholeness.

Feel a fullness and awakening and openness to All That Is. And to all that is possible – and to all that presents as an avenue to tap into more of yourself, and to create, and Be the Divine Being at your core, so full of Love, welcoming change and opportunity for more growth and ways to be in and of Service.

Each thing you encounter and bring into your field to experience is a Gem bringing you more Light Awareness, to be always welcomed and received in Gratitude as a necessary part of your integration and grounding into your Authenticity.

Do not see it as a separate attack to victimize or hurt you; it is an assistance from and for your Higher Self to take up more permanent residence within you.

Feel deep Love, Appreciation, Acceptance and Compassion for yourself as you move through the darkness of experience into the ever-present Light that awaits to be your permanent experience and way of Being.

Rejoice! For New Beginnings Beckon!”




**The Raven periodically comes to me to awaken and bring awareness and to illuminate what I need to look at to bring my Self more out of the darkness and into the Light.

I offer a quote from Ted Andrews from his “Animal Speak” book, pg. 188, about Ravens: “… It teaches how to go into the dark and bring forth the light. With each trip in, we develop the ability to bring more light out. This is creation …”

When I had finished writing this, 12:22 appeared on the clock which I was prompted and guided to look at, a number I get often, encouraging New Beginnings and Balance and Harmony, fulfilling my Life Purpose and Soul Mission. My birth numbers are also 222, so I have been seeing a lot of these numbers lately around my birthday!

Love and Blessings,



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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, complete with the full and complete audio, on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Lady Nada: You All Are Precious Jewels ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 3.19.17

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AUDIO: LadyNada.PreciousJewels..3.19.17


Greetings, Beloveds, I AM Lady Nada. I greet you all in your divine glory, your beautiful, divine glory, your divine essence that is so eminent and prominent within you now. I greet you now, to show you how precious you are, how unique and precious you are.

I see the illumination of your beautiful unique Selves.  You are all like sparkling jewels, each special and unique in your own way, illuminated by the Light of the Sun, and you shine so brightly and exquisitely, as you show your many facets of your divine essence, with all the light coming in now.

It’s important to not compare yourselves with others. It diminishes the shine and the illumination and the glow of your unique facets. Love yourselves so much that you become brighter and lighter, and shine so much more radiantly. Love yourselves so much that you glow and spread that glow to everyone.

Be content and happy where you are now in your development, for that is how you can spread and expand yourself. Don’t diminish yourself by comparing yourself with others. I see you all shining and precious. You’re all so beautiful.

I love you all. Love yourselves so much that you feel the glow of that love waking up every part of you, waking up all the gifts within you. Don’t diminish yourself by expecting something different from yourself than who you are. Go within and find that deep essence of your divine glory.

Love yourselves, Beloveds. Be content in the knowing that you are rising in frequency every moment. As the energies of the equinox stream in, please just open and allow your beautiful essence to illuminate and rise in its own pace and time. Don’t be afraid of expanding. Love yourself and allow the Great Central Sun, allow Source, to penetrate your essence, and shine the facets of your precious self, your precious jeweled self.

As we approach the Equinox, remember to be within yourselves and feel your divine essence, feel your crystalline structures and essence. Know that you are where you should be at this moment. You are so precious and so unique, and you shine with such love and sparkling divine essence.

I love you with all my heart. Take some moments every day to honor how beautiful and precious you are. Feel this deep love for yourself. You’ve come so far. You are coming into your own; you are lifting in frequency every moment. Know that and abide by that, and trust it.

The love that you feel for yourself is magnified throughout your body, throughout the cosmos. Be content in knowing that you are shining so brightly, and no one can diminish it. Even the pockets of clearing that you keep facing cannot diminish the shine and glory of your divine essence. It may cloud you; it may cloud your knowing that you are a sparkling jewel of the divine, but never diminish it. It will never be diminished. It is there always.

Know this, Beloveds. I want you to know how precious you are. You each have your own unique divine path. And you are contributing to the whole all the time, with your unique gifts and sparkling essence. Don’t deny that within yourself.

You are so loved, so know this. Love yourself so much that you grow and glow in complete acknowledgement of your true essence. Be in complete acceptance of your own unique divine essence and it will spark a knowing and a revelation of your true purpose, of your true gifts, and forever will you be illuminated in your own divine glory, as the sparkling jewel that you are, with all you have to offer the world for its divine illumination.

I AM Lady Nada, and I give you my Love and encourage you to love yourself just as deeply, my precious jewels.


 BONUS CHANNELING!:  I am also including here an earlier direct voice channeling from Lady Nada on a similar topic that was interrupted by a loud dog barking outside, so I inadvertently ended the recording and since she had more to say, Lady Nada then came in again to offer the channeling presented above. Here is the interrupted channeling which she asked me to give you also, but due to the lateness of the hour, didn’t have time to transcribe it:

BONUS AUDIO: LadyNada.LoveYourselves.3,19.17


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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, complete with the full and complete audio, on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included, as well as the direct link to the message. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.



Direct Voice Channeling of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene by Fran Zepeda ~ 1.7.17

franHello Everyone….Below is the direct recording of a voice channeling that came through me tonight. I could feel it wanting to come through so I was guided to get my little digital recorder and channel this beautiful message I was receiving from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

I had just put a load of laundry in, as you may hear in the background, but I was so absorbed by the message coming through me, compelled to get it on the recorder, that I didn’t even remember or realize that the background noise was there until I listened to the recording afterwards … I was so taken over by the message coming through that the background noise was blocked out by the potent moments of receiving the message in the Now … All I could hear and feel was the energy and message vibrating in my body and pounding in my ears and I had completely forgotten in that moment that I had even started the laundry!

That is laughingly how my memory has been lately, and how quickly I can be transported into another space and “time” lately, as I’m sure you may relate to!….So please excuse all that and enjoy the message and the energy coming through.

Below the recording, I have transcribed the message into writing for you, in case you would like to read it also, and I have transcribed it as closely as I could, according to the energy and delivery of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene’s message, as it and they came through.

I recommend you listen to the message first, though, as its energy is powerful and is encoded with lightcodes, love, energy, healing and light information, and the transcript likewise carries forth that energy as well.

As you know, I usually type up the message as it is being transmitted to me, and then sometimes record it afterwards while the Ascended Master is still present, but this time it was different….

…So I give it to you to listen to and to feel and absorb the beautiful energy and words and lightcodes. It filled me with love, healing, and joy while channeling it, and again while listening to it after it was recorded. May it do the same for you.


With My Love and Blessings,

Fran Zepeda








Transcription of Voice Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene…”Do You Know How Powerful You Are?” Channeled by Fran Zepeda 1.7.17



Yeshua and Mary Magdalene:

“Do You Know How Powerful You Are?”


“Beautiful Beloveds, do you know how powerful you are?

The beauty within you wants to come out. The beautiful gifts within you want to come out. Do you understand that the time is Now for you to give those gifts to the world. It’s time to dig deep within you and find those gifts, those beautiful gifts that are ready to come forth.

It’s no longer about who you were. It’s no longer about where you’ve been. It’s about Now, and who you are, Now, in this Moment. And beloveds, deep deep within you are so many Gifts waiting to come out, so many gifts waiting to share.

We love you with all our Heart, as You are learning to love yourselves with All your Heart. And that is laying the ground for your beautiful gifts to come forth, your beautiful gifts that are only unique to you.

Beloveds, you’ve come So far, you’ve been through So much. It’s not about looking back anymore. It’s about grasping this moment So Full within your Heart that all you can give is more of your Love, that all you can give is more of your Gifts.

Beloveds, this deep Love and Joy that you are building every moment, as the light comes streaming in, it’s grasping the depth of you, and bringing forth who you are, bringing forth All that you are, and you can see it as if it was in a Limelight, you can see it as you’ve never seen it before, if you let it beloveds, if you Let your Light and your Love come forth like you’ve never seen it before … and within that are creations that you didn’t even know you had, that you didn’t even know you could do.

Do you know how powerful you are? … Do you know that you can bring forth so much, based on so much Love, bringing forth insights and ideas that can be quickly molded into Creations to Share For the World, To the World and With the World.

Love has always been the answer. You know this, beloveds. It’s never been about who you are anymore, or who you were, anymore. It’s about who you Choose to be.

How do you flesh out that beautiful Divine Essence that you Are? How do you bring forth your Uniqueness and your Love … so you can share it with such Joy and Abundance? How do you do this, beloveds? How do you feel your power? … You allow the Love to well up in you so much that all you want to do is Create, to Give, to Show who you are.

And there are so many surprises in there. Maybe it’s not all something that you can see yet, maybe it’s all not totally formed yet, but can you feel it, beloveds? – Can you feel that there are rumblings within you that want to show More of who you are, to Share more of who you are, to Serve the world in a way that makes your heart sing …

That’s what all of this has been about, beloveds. That’s why you’ve been through all you have been through, clearing and working through all the caverns and the valleys … and the peaks, to clear yourself so much that you become a ‘crystal teardrop of love’, waiting to drop on anything and anyone that needs your essence …

… For in the teardrop, where there used to be pain, is crystal-clear Love and Creation.

Beloveds, don’t worry about where your life is leading. It already knows where it’s going, if you just follow it step-by-step, moment-by-moment, laughter-by-laughter, idea-by-idea, and watch it blossom …. Watch it Blossom!

No, it’s not about who you’ve been, beloveds, and it isn’t even about where you’re going. It’s where you Are right Now, allowing this Moment to bloom, to BE  ALL of who you are in this moment. Feel your heart Bursting with Joy as you realize how powerful you are in each moment. You can gather all your strength and all your power, which is based on Love.

Beautiful beloveds, you are so powerful, You can create anything. It just needs your Love and your Intention and your Joy and your Passion of wanting to create it, and then watch it as it blooms.

Beautiful beloveds, we love you and we support you, and we want you to feel our Love and our Essence so that you can realize that it is just as powerful as you are, and You are just as powerful as we are, because we are the same. You are Masters Now.

Beautiful beloveds, we love you and we support you, now and forever.

All our Love,

We are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene”


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Copyright © 2011-2017 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message, complete with the full and complete audio, on your blogs and websites, provided that the message and audio is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, credit is given to the author/channel: Fran Zepeda, and this copyright and links below are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

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Yeshua: “Live in Your Heart of Desires” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 19, 2015


The following is an audio recording of the message posted below, if you would like to hear the message:

Yeshua: “Live in Your Heart of Desires” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 19, 2015



Greetings, Beloveds. This is a very auspicious time for everyone in their own unique way. It will take finessing and seeing everything around you and within you from a new unique perspective.

It is time to stretch yourselves and delve into your Soul even more than usual. It is a virtual meeting of your soul with your higher mind, interpreting and drawing from a new perspective not used before. It is a virtual “LoveFest” with your Soul. Honoring it and loving it like you have never done before. It is forefront to your reality now dear ones, and let no one tell you that you are not delving very very deep into your Soul.

It may look like all you see are problems around you and it takes a lot of your attention, and so you may ask me: “How is this a higher way of being? I am dealing with so many mundane problems”. Well dear ones, look at it this way: If you were not evolving into a higher way of being, this would not be happening. Everything is coming up to be seen as the illusion that it is. Yes, you must deal with it, and yes, the solution can come easily if you let it, and then move on and see it as a virtual clearing house of all the mundane 3D structure that you painstakingly assembled in all your years, your eons, of dabbling on earth away from your birthright, away from your full divine awareness of your Full Divine Self.

And this old reality is becoming dismantled and demolished and oh, it can create a mess, just like a demolition of a building can create a mess. But within all that chaos, wanting to emerge, is a shining jewel, a shining reality of your true self and reality coming from your core being, ready to take over and shine even more.

Many of you feel like you are stepping backwards. It feels even more mundane and less lofty than you imagined it would be when you were anticipating 2012. You did not know that this business of descending your Divine Self, your I AM Presence, into your physical body would be so “messy” or even take the turns it has.

But in this you are learning to flow with it, trusting in your divine guidance which is more and more coming from YOU and not “up there” from your brethren in the Celestial Realm; you may even be astounded at what you are feeling and knowing in spite of how easily it comes to you.

And this, dear ones, is the by-product of all the work you have been doing in clearing out the old ways of being. And this, dear ones, is the epitome of your evolvement. It may seem simple, but as you sit and stand now, you are an immense and immaculate Divine Being inhabiting this physical being that is a partner to you in many ways now. You are settling in and feeling the merge. It exalts you, it excites you, and it is your new way of Being.

So beloveds, disregard the chaos and the “rubble” of this “demolition project” you are involved in, for it is not as harsh and violent an operation as it sounds. It is a loving pulling-apart and disassembling of all the old patterns that kept your divine self feeling separate and “un-divine”, only to find that lo and behold, that gorgeous soul that you are was waiting to show itself to the world in all its divine glory.

So dear ones, continue to Live in your Heart and focus on the shine of it, focus on the Divine of it, focus on the wholeness and depth of it. And let the chaos and disassembling of your old self and that of others proceed as if in a protective bubble, all the while feeling into the immense depth of your Soul and Divine Self.

I love you all so dearly, and I see your progress, and I honor your struggles as a means of letting go of the old, and shining your pristine Divine Essence once again in all its glory.

I encourage you to be undaunted by things as they seem, and focus on what they really are, what your reality really is, your heart’s desires for a flowing loving world for all to thrive in and inhabit. The more you focus on this, the more you make it a reality. Live in your Heart of Desires and it shall be so.


Your loving brother, Yeshua.

From Fran: ~ SPECIAL! ~ For a limited time only, I will be offering a special on my Channeling by Email Sessions ~ Purchase a  90 minute Channeling by Email Session at my Healing Place Store Here  from now until January 1, 2016, and get a FREE 30 minute energy healing with it! (a two hour session total), for yourself or given as a gift, to be booked in January on. For more info, please visit the Services Page Here

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Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

Lady Nada and Mother Mary: You are Magnificent Carriers of Love Everlasting, Designed and Equipped for the Task From Time-Beginning

www.starseeds.netChanneled by Fran Zepeda July 27, 2014


Lady Nada and Mother Mary:

Hello dear sweet ones. We come before you together again to bring you Love Everlasting in concert and in Union for this Now Moment in ever-cascading streams of Love Everlasting and Enduring for all to tap into Forever and Always.

We are your mentors and guides in this in this Now Moment and we deliver our Love to you this moment and always in complete openness and fullness of all your Hearts put together. For imagine that, dear ones – Love Everlasting in Union with all Hearts at the same moment; it is a monumental task to undertake, yet fulfilling and magnificent in scope.

And so dear ones, we are here to help you examine and accept your capacity to do this, to join your Love Everlasting with all Hearts and with your whole Hearts. What a sweet ambrosia it is, dear ones. The scope and capacity and possibility of this very thing has increased monumentally in the last few months in your measure of time, and indeed moment-to-moment. For Love Essence is building globally, universally, and multiversally with the building of Love in each Heart upon this planet. Continue reading

Mother Mary ~ Open Your Hearts Wider ~ July 14, 2014 ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Mother Mary (Received July 14, 2014):

Hello beautiful ones. I am here today through this channel to urge you to open your hearts even wider. Yes, the energies of late have brought even more clearing for you. And yes, you sometimes may feel like you cannot take in anymore. But alas, you can, for letting go and being open even more for what is in store for you is the order of the day, and I am here to help you.

Within you is so much, like capsules upon capsules upon capsules of information and Love just waiting to burst open with your willingness. Don’t stop now, don’t close up now – open your Hearts even wider and allow the energies to penetrate you, and then be still and allow those capsules of information and Love to open further within you.

There is no limit to what you can experience in the name of Love, in the name of the Divine, for it is You and You are It. You are limitless Love and you are limitless and mountains of information waiting to be revealed. Continue reading

Mother Mary: You Are Spreading Your Divine Love Wherever You Are – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – March 31, 2014

Mother Mary  (Received March 31, 2014):


Hello my sweet, dear ones. I come to you now in a Divine Breath: A divine knowing of who you are….A divine imprint of your True Being. We are one. We are eternal together. We are the Love and the Light together. We are immense and deep in our connection.


And dear ones, you are no doubt feeling an expansion, a stillness within your expansion, and a sweet knowing of your True Essence is creeping in and taking firm hold more than ever. My Love for you is immense and I see that your Love for yourselves is becoming deeper and more entrenched. That is wonderful, my dear ones. You are arriving at your greater knowing of yourselves. You are feeling a greater knowing of yourselves, and thus an expansion out into the depths of eternity as you breathe in your Divinity and prepare yourselves even further for your holding of the Christ Consciousness now and forever more within you and extending outwards.


What a beautiful sight and spectacle. I cannot tell you adequately how beautiful you all are, in your expanded state of Christ Light, in your beautiful crystalline bodies, emanating and sparkling in divine glory. Keep breathing it into your cells and your whole physical being and your whole essence. Feel the lightness and the quintessence of your Being: It is Love. It is Divine. It is Golden Light of Christ Consciousness. Know this. And keep expanding on it. Keep spreading it out. Keep BEing this beautiful specimen of the Divine.


Expand your boundaries now. Feel the Golden Light expanding out from within your Divine Heart Center and outwards. Rest within it and radiate within it and allow it to expand out, always. Not just in your meditations, but always. This is You now. This is the Real You. Feel the warmth of the Golden Light radiating within you and without you, always allowing an increase in volume and magnitude.


Get used to walking around in this state. Make it feel like Home. Make it feel comfortable and natural as you experience it more and more as your natural state of Being. What you answer to is this Golden Light of Love and it rules everything you do and say. Get used to it. Feel it, enjoy it, float within it; float amongst it, while grounding into Gaia with it always.


You are my precious ones, my precious forerunners – those that lead the way. You have no precedent -You ARE the precedent. How gloriously courageous you are. How gloriously brave you are. How gloriously Divine you are. We thank you with all our hearts, we of the Celestial and Galactic Realm. You are spreading your Divine Love wherever you are; you cannot help it now. And what an impact you are making on the World.


We Love you. We cherish you. We honor you. We thank you. Please continue, dear ones… you have come so far and by no doubt are feeling it now. You are much more comfortable now in the stillness, in holding your Light for all, and in spreading your Divine Love and Light out globally, universally, and multiversal-ly. We cherish you for this.


You may be noticing now that the Love you give yourselves is the Love you give to others is the Love you give to yourselves, and on and on infinitely, building to a sweet crescendo of sustaining Love Essence in, for, and all. The frequency you have attained is so high now that it may leave you a little light-headed; but at the same time, you are acclimating to it so much more quickly, as you climb the stairs to your greater Divinity, your whole Divinity, your Whole Selves.


You are becoming one with your Higher Self and your Monad and your I AM Presence, and with Source. Doesn’t it feel expansive and wonderful? What you have been aiming for is happening with greater frequency and certainty, and establishing a new timeline of BEing for many of you. And you have set the stage for millions to follow. Honor that, take that in, and continue on without stepping in your way by trying to gauge it or figure it out. Allow it to happen. Breathe it in and BE.


So, my sweet ones, enjoy the altitude of this new step into your Divinity and as soon as it feels comfortable, you are set for even more expansion. You are the World. You Are the Universe. You are the Multiverse. You are Source. Feel it and Believe it. Get used to it. Enjoy it.


I bid you farewell in terms of this message now, but I leave you not, really, for I am always just a breath away.


Mother Mary


A Special THANK YOU to Christine Burk for the image on this post ♥

©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.



Welcome To My New Blog: “Our Emerging Divinity, Awakening to the Divine Within”



Hello and Welcome to my new blogOur Emerging Divinity, Awakening to the Divine Within. While I still maintain my other blog  franheal and my Website A Healing Place, where I post my channeled messages,  I was urged by my guides around the March Equinox 2014 to start this new blog to create a new forum to reflect  and highlight where we are Now in our DivineEmergence and to further assist in the changes we are all going through in our journey to embrace our True Selves/Divine Essence, and embodiment of Christ Light Consciousness.

As we raise our frequencies and integrate our HIgher Selves,  Multidimensional Selves, and all aspects of ourselves, embody our Christ Consciousness, and  allow our Divine Presence – our I AM Presence – to emerge, in our own time and pace, we further our DivineEmergence and further our Ascension and our return to LOVE and ONEness with Source and All-That-Is.

I will be posting here all messages channeled through me since the March Equinox 2014, as well as MasterQuotes – quotes I channel from the  Ascended Masters on DivineEmergence (new quotes as well as excerpts from other channeled messages) – as well as other features and offerings as I am guided to share,  to help us in Our Emerging Divinity.  Please note that you can still find All channeled messages through me a

Blessings to all!! and Much LOVE to all! ♥

Fran Zepeda

Lady Nada and Pallas Athena: You Are In The Beginnings of a New Beginning – Channeled by Fran Zepeda on March 21, 2014


Lady Nada and Pallas Athena March 21, 2014:


Hello dear ones. Today we join forces, our energetic forces, together to connect with yours on an even higher plane than just a few days ago. As you know, we are in the throes still of the Equinox Energies. Please observe at this point much change in all of your energy fields, glorious that it is! We commend you for your perseverance and persistence to get to this point, and as you are aware, the awakening to Christ Consciousness is continuing to unfold for all of you.

Take a moment now to breathe it all in and notice that your vantage point from here on out will be very different, our dear ones. It encompasses much more than what you have experienced before this point, from a level of consciousness that has for many taken a giant leap. It may seem that the ground beneath you has moved a level up and the “airy-ness” you are or may be feeling is just part and parcel of your new vantage point.

It is progressing and developing as we speak, as the energies weave a reality for you that you have longed so long to see and feel. You are in “the beginnings of a new beginning”, so to speak, dear ones. Take a bit to adjust and acclimate yourselves. We are with you, blowing the gentle winds of our energy to settle your nerves and settle your fears of yet another step in your evolution and spiritual development. Experience the Peace and Subtle Harmony of your Emergence, dear ones.

For many, the energy is in flux still and will continue, but know that you are growing brighter and centering further into your Divine Center. The winds of change are among you now. Christ Consciousness is a greater part of your identity now. It is settling in quite nicely for you all, in your own pace and time. And we use the word “time” loosely, for you all are now getting a glimpse of the experience of “Now” more and more. Don’t fight it. All will evolve quite nicely around it now, as you set your experiences more innately in and from your Now Moment, feeling your Golden Essence much more astutely and clearly, albeit still subtle for some.

And take it in stride, dear ones.  Gulp more of this energy. Stay within your Balanced Center more and more. You are beginning to see that all is creating from there now, if you just allow it and encompass it and don’t forsake it for distractions and old agendas of which you have either been a part, or that you once adhered to as reality.

The world around you is changing and first it must exhibit the dying spurts of old energy that indeed feels very real. But alas, it is not real. Pull your attention inward and view your world from that lens, from within your Heart and Soul of your Eternal Divinity. You are getting a greater taste of it, dear ones. You cannot avoid it. You cannot deny it. You cannot forsake it any longer. For it is taking up a bigger part of your attention and intention and a bigger part of your perception as you stand right now In The Now Moment, in the Present, in Eternity of All-That-Is. That realization is growing stronger for you. It is becoming your reality and lo and behold, you are accepting it more.

So take the energies of the Equinox and continue to take all the energies in as they build up until the June Solstice. It is like you have now stepped into a doorway which will lead you further and further into your Soul and your Heart and your Divine Essence. Prepare for a wonderful journey. For you are going deeper and deeper into your True Selves. You have lit up yourselves; you have allowed it.

Many of you are feeling very different, some even before the Equinox energies hit, for you have been building up and building up to this cross-point at the exact turning of the Equinox and are continuing in divine fashion. Do not worry about what you felt or didn’t feel or what you are or are not feeling. You are transformed, all of you, and it has been happening all along. You are just deeper into it, all of you, and how you feel it or experience it is your own perfection, your own “Perfect Storm” of Transformation.

Believe it, dear ones. You are so much closer to experiencing the energy of Home, and we will venture to say you are already there; it is just taking many of you a bit of tweaking of your energy and perception to acknowledge it. But it is all good, dear ones. It is monumental. It is foreseen, it is fore-written, and it is NOW.

It is important for you to be now in your own energy as much as possible, as you process the energies coming in, and as you acclimate and absorb what is necessary for you to absorb, and as you transform what is necessary for you to transform, IN YOUR OWN Timeframe, without judgment, expectation, analysis or self-criticism or comparison to others.

From now on be aware that each of you are progressing as you should be, so remember not to compare yourselves to others. Consider yourselves, all of you, a field of individual flowers that are blooming at different rates, yet to look at it from afar, it is a beautiful sight of a synchronistic harmony of bursts of colors and full bloom. Be content in your own glory and space and existence and progress. It is contributing to the awakening and to the whole of humanity in such a wonderful and important way. Be at peace with yourself and continue moving forward further into the Light with every breath you take.


Lady Nada and Pallas Athena


©2013 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.