Loving Thought from Yeshua 12.20.20

~Channeled by Fran Zepeda~

Yeshua: “The ways of the world are precarious at best. It is up to you to ‘man the steering wheel’ for your own lives. Through that, the world falls in tow.

With your Higher Self as your trusty navigator, you will not be lost.

Just as a star lighted the way for my birth, so the bright star of your Divinity will light the way for your rebirth into your new way of Being in this world.


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Repost: Message to Lightworkers from Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven ~ Christmas Message ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 12.24.11


December 24, 2011

Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven:

We come to you on this very auspicious day, the eve of the birth of my beloved Yeshua. The world began to transform that day and the love and joy in my heart and womb brought tears to my heart as a new beginning for Earth was destined to commence. The love has not died. It remains as an eternal flame in all your bosoms, as it is in mine, as I come before you with a message of love – Love and Mercy, my dear ones.  I am the harbinger of Love, the mother of Grace, and I beseech you all to be the heralders of love for all mankind. It is within you, and is being spread without you, bearing so much radiance that you would be astounded were you to see it from our perspective.

We know this journey has not been one of ease for you all. You took on the task many eons ago with such courage and hope, and we assure you that all is transpiring according to Divine Plan and Order. You are all in a position to finally reap the rewards of your arduous and bittersweet journey, my dear ones. The Company of Heaven is so pleased and inspired with your loving hearts and deeds. We wish for you that the peace that is in your hearts deepens and grows with each passing day. Please rest assured that with each beat of your heart, you are becoming One with Creator.

Absorb the massive amounts of light and crystalline energy being given to you now, and keep spreading it and sharing it with others. Feel the Unity and Oneness that you all have worked so hard to achieve, my dear ones, for it will sustain you through the coming year. You will be astounded by the changes that are and will be occurring, but then you already are putting them in motion with your creative hearts.

Please take care of yourselves. You are all so precious to us. Keep the steady pace you are maintaining and it will not fail to yield such joyful new beginnings. We have such deep and abiding love for all of you, my dear ones. You are precious beyond your mere understanding; you will soon be discovering my meaning as you shed the last vestiges of illusion and take your rightful place with Creator as One.

We of the Company of Heaven are your faithful, loving servants. Have a peaceful, joyous season of Celebration, and may that joy and peace build and grow with each passing day for you.

We thank you all for your service to the Light,

Mother Mary for the Company of Heaven

Thank you, Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven

Fran Zepeda



Copyright © 2011-2017 by Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, credit is given to the author, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: www.franhealing.com and www.franheal.wordpress.com

Lady Nada and Pallas Athena: You Are In The Beginnings of a New Beginning – Channeled by Fran Zepeda on March 21, 2014


Lady Nada and Pallas Athena March 21, 2014:


Hello dear ones. Today we join forces, our energetic forces, together to connect with yours on an even higher plane than just a few days ago. As you know, we are in the throes still of the Equinox Energies. Please observe at this point much change in all of your energy fields, glorious that it is! We commend you for your perseverance and persistence to get to this point, and as you are aware, the awakening to Christ Consciousness is continuing to unfold for all of you.

Take a moment now to breathe it all in and notice that your vantage point from here on out will be very different, our dear ones. It encompasses much more than what you have experienced before this point, from a level of consciousness that has for many taken a giant leap. It may seem that the ground beneath you has moved a level up and the “airy-ness” you are or may be feeling is just part and parcel of your new vantage point.

It is progressing and developing as we speak, as the energies weave a reality for you that you have longed so long to see and feel. You are in “the beginnings of a new beginning”, so to speak, dear ones. Take a bit to adjust and acclimate yourselves. We are with you, blowing the gentle winds of our energy to settle your nerves and settle your fears of yet another step in your evolution and spiritual development. Experience the Peace and Subtle Harmony of your Emergence, dear ones.

For many, the energy is in flux still and will continue, but know that you are growing brighter and centering further into your Divine Center. The winds of change are among you now. Christ Consciousness is a greater part of your identity now. It is settling in quite nicely for you all, in your own pace and time. And we use the word “time” loosely, for you all are now getting a glimpse of the experience of “Now” more and more. Don’t fight it. All will evolve quite nicely around it now, as you set your experiences more innately in and from your Now Moment, feeling your Golden Essence much more astutely and clearly, albeit still subtle for some.

And take it in stride, dear ones.  Gulp more of this energy. Stay within your Balanced Center more and more. You are beginning to see that all is creating from there now, if you just allow it and encompass it and don’t forsake it for distractions and old agendas of which you have either been a part, or that you once adhered to as reality.

The world around you is changing and first it must exhibit the dying spurts of old energy that indeed feels very real. But alas, it is not real. Pull your attention inward and view your world from that lens, from within your Heart and Soul of your Eternal Divinity. You are getting a greater taste of it, dear ones. You cannot avoid it. You cannot deny it. You cannot forsake it any longer. For it is taking up a bigger part of your attention and intention and a bigger part of your perception as you stand right now In The Now Moment, in the Present, in Eternity of All-That-Is. That realization is growing stronger for you. It is becoming your reality and lo and behold, you are accepting it more.

So take the energies of the Equinox and continue to take all the energies in as they build up until the June Solstice. It is like you have now stepped into a doorway which will lead you further and further into your Soul and your Heart and your Divine Essence. Prepare for a wonderful journey. For you are going deeper and deeper into your True Selves. You have lit up yourselves; you have allowed it.

Many of you are feeling very different, some even before the Equinox energies hit, for you have been building up and building up to this cross-point at the exact turning of the Equinox and are continuing in divine fashion. Do not worry about what you felt or didn’t feel or what you are or are not feeling. You are transformed, all of you, and it has been happening all along. You are just deeper into it, all of you, and how you feel it or experience it is your own perfection, your own “Perfect Storm” of Transformation.

Believe it, dear ones. You are so much closer to experiencing the energy of Home, and we will venture to say you are already there; it is just taking many of you a bit of tweaking of your energy and perception to acknowledge it. But it is all good, dear ones. It is monumental. It is foreseen, it is fore-written, and it is NOW.

It is important for you to be now in your own energy as much as possible, as you process the energies coming in, and as you acclimate and absorb what is necessary for you to absorb, and as you transform what is necessary for you to transform, IN YOUR OWN Timeframe, without judgment, expectation, analysis or self-criticism or comparison to others.

From now on be aware that each of you are progressing as you should be, so remember not to compare yourselves to others. Consider yourselves, all of you, a field of individual flowers that are blooming at different rates, yet to look at it from afar, it is a beautiful sight of a synchronistic harmony of bursts of colors and full bloom. Be content in your own glory and space and existence and progress. It is contributing to the awakening and to the whole of humanity in such a wonderful and important way. Be at peace with yourself and continue moving forward further into the Light with every breath you take.


Lady Nada and Pallas Athena


©2013 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.


