Yeshua: “Live in Your Heart of Desires” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 19, 2015


The following is an audio recording of the message posted below, if you would like to hear the message:

Yeshua: “Live in Your Heart of Desires” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 19, 2015



Greetings, Beloveds. This is a very auspicious time for everyone in their own unique way. It will take finessing and seeing everything around you and within you from a new unique perspective.

It is time to stretch yourselves and delve into your Soul even more than usual. It is a virtual meeting of your soul with your higher mind, interpreting and drawing from a new perspective not used before. It is a virtual “LoveFest” with your Soul. Honoring it and loving it like you have never done before. It is forefront to your reality now dear ones, and let no one tell you that you are not delving very very deep into your Soul.

It may look like all you see are problems around you and it takes a lot of your attention, and so you may ask me: “How is this a higher way of being? I am dealing with so many mundane problems”. Well dear ones, look at it this way: If you were not evolving into a higher way of being, this would not be happening. Everything is coming up to be seen as the illusion that it is. Yes, you must deal with it, and yes, the solution can come easily if you let it, and then move on and see it as a virtual clearing house of all the mundane 3D structure that you painstakingly assembled in all your years, your eons, of dabbling on earth away from your birthright, away from your full divine awareness of your Full Divine Self.

And this old reality is becoming dismantled and demolished and oh, it can create a mess, just like a demolition of a building can create a mess. But within all that chaos, wanting to emerge, is a shining jewel, a shining reality of your true self and reality coming from your core being, ready to take over and shine even more.

Many of you feel like you are stepping backwards. It feels even more mundane and less lofty than you imagined it would be when you were anticipating 2012. You did not know that this business of descending your Divine Self, your I AM Presence, into your physical body would be so “messy” or even take the turns it has.

But in this you are learning to flow with it, trusting in your divine guidance which is more and more coming from YOU and not “up there” from your brethren in the Celestial Realm; you may even be astounded at what you are feeling and knowing in spite of how easily it comes to you.

And this, dear ones, is the by-product of all the work you have been doing in clearing out the old ways of being. And this, dear ones, is the epitome of your evolvement. It may seem simple, but as you sit and stand now, you are an immense and immaculate Divine Being inhabiting this physical being that is a partner to you in many ways now. You are settling in and feeling the merge. It exalts you, it excites you, and it is your new way of Being.

So beloveds, disregard the chaos and the “rubble” of this “demolition project” you are involved in, for it is not as harsh and violent an operation as it sounds. It is a loving pulling-apart and disassembling of all the old patterns that kept your divine self feeling separate and “un-divine”, only to find that lo and behold, that gorgeous soul that you are was waiting to show itself to the world in all its divine glory.

So dear ones, continue to Live in your Heart and focus on the shine of it, focus on the Divine of it, focus on the wholeness and depth of it. And let the chaos and disassembling of your old self and that of others proceed as if in a protective bubble, all the while feeling into the immense depth of your Soul and Divine Self.

I love you all so dearly, and I see your progress, and I honor your struggles as a means of letting go of the old, and shining your pristine Divine Essence once again in all its glory.

I encourage you to be undaunted by things as they seem, and focus on what they really are, what your reality really is, your heart’s desires for a flowing loving world for all to thrive in and inhabit. The more you focus on this, the more you make it a reality. Live in your Heart of Desires and it shall be so.


Your loving brother, Yeshua.

From Fran: ~ SPECIAL! ~ For a limited time only, I will be offering a special on my Channeling by Email Sessions ~ Purchase a  90 minute Channeling by Email Session at my Healing Place Store Here  from now until January 1, 2016, and get a FREE 30 minute energy healing with it! (a two hour session total), for yourself or given as a gift, to be booked in January on. For more info, please visit the Services Page Here

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Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

Illumination and Inspiration on Becoming Crystalline ~ September 27, 2015 ~ by Fran Zepeda


piccredit.archives.firstcontactgroundcrewteam.comDear I AM Presence, mighty Elohim, Beloved Creator, All Celestial and Galactic Beings of the Cosmic Light, I ask how can I best receive the incoming Light of this Full Blood Moon portal and serve my highest purpose for realizing my highest potential?

“Just feel the incoming Light, absorb it dear one, and enjoy the alchemy. Feel it infiltrate and transform you. ‘Seeit infiltrate and transform you, and lift you, as you become the full 5th dimensional Crystalline Light throughout all your four bodies.

Just breathe it in and feel the buoyancy of your new way of Being. Feel and ‘See’ the Light and Sparkle of your new way of Being. Come home to it, within your Heart, and command all your cells and bodies to welcome the fifth dimensional Crystalline Solar Light to transform all your bodies – etheric, mental, emotional and physical….

…So that you are one with your I Am Presence and there is no separation anymore. So that you are anchored and grounded in it. So that you see All through these new crystalline ‘eyes” of Beauty and substantial Love Essence. All is transformed, and all is anew, with a new crystalline beginning of Abundant Lightness and a sweet reverence for All Life.

All comes from the Divine and All comes back to it. You are entering that passageway of Complete Divine Presence now, as are others. Bathe in it. Feel the Unity of all Hearts, of all the I AM Presences of all Humanity. Feel All lifted to a Pristine Crystalline Divine Existence.

Know this is happening, sweet one, for if you accept the shift and alchemy of your Crystalline Being, it is so. You have cleared enough to be there. Continue to clear, and continue to return all within you to Golden and Crystalline Light and Substance throughout your Being.

It is so.



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Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

‘Grace Under Pressure’ ~ by Fran Zepeda ~ September 21, 2015


As we harness these increasingly intense energies present in this Equinox/Eclipse/Blood Moon Gateway, further anchor the Light and move further in our ascension,  and as we go through this alternating clearing and upliftment process that we are all going through,  we are learning how to be ‘Grace Under Pressure’, loving ourselves, loving others, in spite of the pressures we feel, the obstacles/challenges that we  experience, and the changes that we are challenged to flow through with ease.

From all that, we continue to come back to Love and Gratitude for having the experience, and tap our inherent Strength, Love and Endurance to show our True Divine Selves more fully, no matter what the circumstances.

It takes ‘coming home’ to our Heart and staying there….no matter what….growing within ourselves to the magnitude of Eternal Love and Divine Presence…expanding our horizons to encompass All-That-Is.

We are becoming Masters in this…we are learning to transform any Heaviness to Lightness and to take in gracefully the transforming cosmic energies, all in Flow.

We are embodying Christ Consciousness, merging with our I AM Presence, where All comes from, Now. We are allowing ourselves to be equal to it and to Source.

Such is the refinement we have come to, and each refinement of our energy brought on by a clearing of issues, fears, limiting beliefs, and all old energies, catapult us through a proverbial ‘trial of fire’, bringing us closer to Grace.

As I write this, I feel the energies embracing me and lifting me and All to a higher place, a gentle yet profound persistent energetic nudging that is intensifying with each moment of Now.

But we are up to this challenge, for we are indeed Pure Divine Grace under Illuminated Pressure.

Welcome it!


Fran Zepeda


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Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

Mary Magdalene: Welcome this Newer Version of You ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda


Welcome to this new version of you, harvesting and manifesting as you continue to receive and accept these new energies of the present Gateway beckoning you now. You have laid the groundwork and now so much is waiting for you to discover about yourselves. The New You that so many have talked about is a work in progress, but you will notice that lately you have experienced a deeper, more grounded awakening of your True Divine Selves.

Your merging of your higher aspects, your I AM Presence, has been stepped up and is stepping up continually and if you were to place a vision of yourselves in previous moments next to a vision of how you are in this moment, you would notice a great difference. The acceleration of your development is a little astonishing, but all you need to do is continue to ride this current wave of awakening with complete openness and acceptance with a bit of curiosity thrown in.

For in that comes a further openness to your Purity, your True Divine Essence, your Oneness with All That is,  that is being played out in continual harmony and progression, constantly replacing and clarifying and purifying your former versions of your Being, as you open to your expansion, relishing all the clarity, insights and understandings coming along with it.

It is as if you are working on a painting, and with each new addition and enhancement, more beauty and clarity is coming to the forefront, constantly changing the whole picture as you allow each new layer and element to evolve. You are a beautiful masterful work in progress, and lately you may notice that the depth and clarity of your new perspectives are amazing. It is as if you are looking through the brand new eyes of a new-born, to discover everything that is there in a brand new way. It is as if you never saw it before in quite that light.

And indeed you haven’t, for you are entering a new platform for you to operate from, and now lies before you the task of discovering all that is available in this new world you are creating, in this new dimension you have embraced. You have been presented with a whole new set of tools to navigate this new world, and it will take some practice and acceptance to fully explore them.

This is what you have been waiting for; this is what you have been working on for so long, and it will just get more and more astounding and enriching as you keep building on this Moment of Clarity that you are embracing.

Sit with this thought and truth right now: You are in possession of all you need to stay in the higher dimensions, coloring and influencing your whole existence each moment that you sustain this experience. It is a subtle yet profound movement and you are being offered the opportunity now to allow yourselves to be lifted and sustained on this new current or higher dimensional “airstream”, sweeping you along to new experiences and perceptions.

So allow yourselves to continue to be lifted, as the incoming Light of the coming days will bring more revealing glimpses into this new version of you. You are becoming Beacons of Christ Consciousness, lighting the way for all.

I AM Mary Magdalene, in Pure Love Essence.



Healing to Wholeness Sessions and Channelings by Email are back on Special, to assist in your further Awakening:

Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

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Master Lanto on the September Equinox Energies: You Are The Power of the Universe – Channeled by Fran Zepeda September 20, 2014

Master Lanto

Master Lanto:

Greetings. The purity of the energies are entering your beings at an increasing rate. Lifting you in gigantic waves of ascension. And in this Lifting, you have a chance and a duty to yourself to rise above the diminishing lower energies that are still clinging to you.

I come to support you in this Lifting, in this refinement of your energies. The purity of the energies are matching the purity of your soul and while sometimes it is difficult to differentiate this purity from the lingering leaving energies of the past, it is well worth your while to intend to rise above this difference.

I take you now on a journey of your pure soul, of allowing yourself to mingle with all your higher aspects now. The energies of Now are in complete support of this. This upliftment, this revealing of the purity and radiance of your soul and your connection with Creator is now leading the way in your journey of ascension.

There is no turning back. Allow yourselves to lift higher, allow yourselves to focus on the purity of your soul, on the pure connection with Creator. Welcome your soul family. Welcome your higher self and higher aspects on this journey. That is what is real in you. All the nagging whispers of “doom and gloom” and unloving thoughts are just in your consciousness now to be recognized and let go as a thing of the past.

Choose now to welcome the loving waves of your Pure Soul that are now guiding you in your Ascension. Choose now to welcome the loving guidance of your Higher Self, your I Am Presence, and your Soul Family and Creator as your only path and focus.

It is time now to complete your journey in peace, in knowing that you have chosen the pure energies to be your guide and that the lingering whispers of yesteryear’s thinking and knowing are merely remnants of what you are ready to let go of.

Embrace yourself now. Embrace your pure soul now. Allow it to accompany you in every thought and action you take. This is real. This is your destiny. Discover the knowings and truths of your soul now. It is blending with your complete consciousness and awareness, becoming your only consciousness, the potential consciousness of the masses in that all are a pure aspect of Creator. Embrace that knowing. Embrace that Truth.

Dear Ones. I speak with you through your heart. I assist you in welcoming these pure energies of the September Equinox portal. They have the power of great transformation. I lead you into them as you allow yourselves to let go and enter them with complete abandon and trust that you are being lifted permanently to a place where you can now observe reality in its pure form.

You may be noticing that there are many conflicting “realities” knocking at the door of your consciousness of late. And you may get confused at what is true and what is illusion. Rest assured that your inner self knows the way; your higher self, your heart knows the way. It knows the way out of this “jungle” of conflicting realities that seem to be vying for your attention. It knows the way up and away from the negative swirls of distraction that are vying for your attention.

Observe them (the negative distractions) and let them pass. They are merely debris on the road of your ascension coming at you and coming off you but not destined to cling if you recognize them as just passing and lifting and clearing energies of your past, of the parts of you that require clearing and integration.

Be at peace with yourselves now, dear ones. Capture your true essence and welcome it. It is strong. It is radiant. It is pure. It has the power to override all that seems to distract you from the sweet essence of your pure soul, leading the way now, vying now to be your guiding force.

And Love is the elemental essence of all you are. It completes you. It enforces you. It drives you. Allow Love to be the interpreter of everything you experience in this journey. Allow it to be the guiding and driving force of all you encounter and remember. And this will purify your experience as negative or adverse thoughts or obstacles enter your consciousness.

You are the Power of the Universe, for you are made of Love, and that power has the ability to transform anything into purity and harmony and abundance with a flick of the switch of your intention for anything coming into your consciousness to be colored by Love, defined by Love, created by Love.

And so be it dear ones. I commend you for choosing Love as your guide in all your experiences and I stand ready to guide you in this glorious journey of upliftment that you are so well versed in now. You are taking the energies and easily allowing them to transform you. You are magnificent transformers of the energy. You bring everything through the filter of Love and what is left is merely remnants of your old selves that no longer serve you. You are transforming yourselves back into the pure essence of your soul, leaving behind the illusions of yesteryear more and more as the days move on.

What remains is the pure reflection of who you really are, my dear ones, the lightness and purity of your I Am presence, able to differentiate what you once saw as yourself, but was really only the illusion of the experiment of your journey away from Source.

I leave you now with a prayer/invocation that you can use in your sweet journey back to Source:

“I embrace my pure soul, my pure essence, my connection with Source as it illuminates everything around me with the pure Truth of my existence.”

“I leave behind all remnants of what used to define me, as only experiments and distortions of my true self.”

“I welcome my pure essence to illuminate all around me with Love. And I embrace my pure soul as who I AM.”

“I welcome the transformation that is allowing my true essence to shine through more and more as I embrace the pure energies coming in in the Equinox portal, and subsequent portals as I refine my energy increasingly and permanently, showing me the way to connect fully with Source.”

“I welcome my true essence, my I Am Presence as my only Reality, illuminating the purity of my Soul as my guiding force”.

“I welcome the purity of these incoming energies without resistance and thank them for their assistance in guiding me home.”


Now feel the difference in your vibration as you allow yourself to ride these powerful waves of energies, to which you are becoming much more accustomed with each surge of energies as they become present.

I am your servant, I am your guide, I am your example of pure radiant soul energy, to which you are becoming acclimated with increasing presence within your energy field NOW.



Copyright © 2011-2014 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are



Archangel Zadkiel – Transcendence – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – June 18, 2014


Archangel Zadkiel

Artist Unknown

Archangel Zadkiel:

Greetings fellow travelers into the 5thDimension and beyond. I AM Zadkiel, your guide in transforming your energy into the pureness of the higher dimensions. I stand with you and beside you in this endeavor as we embark together, exploring the higher dimensions in the purest degree.

I help you absorb all impurities and transmute them as they make way for more pure energy to remain in your Light Bodies. I implore you to stay within these higher aspects of yourself, in the pure energies of your True Divine Essence, and to welcome all impurities to show themselves to you and thus be lighted and transmuted to clear the way for your Emergence into the higher dimensions.

I am your guide, I am your example, and I am your mirror for complete transcendence as you clear the remaining impurities of the 3rd Dimension to find your gateway to the 4th, 5th and Higher Dimensions waiting and open for your transcendence. Continue reading

Lady Nada: It Is Like You Are Completely Cushioned in LOVE Now – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – 4.4.14

Lady Nada (Received 4.4.14):


Hello dear ones, my precious frequency travelers and way showers for Peace and LOVE. You are magnificent. I cannot tell you this enough. You are riding along an ever-increasing wave of LOVE now. Can you feel it? Is it enveloping you just as you are enveloping it? Good. I can perceive this, dear ones, just as you are beginning to. And it is becoming such a part of you.


It is like you are completely cushioned in LOVE now, as you accept the beautiful energies coming in and as you spread them out. It is becoming so clear to many of you that you have arrived at a new level of your awakening. You have slipped quietly into it and now you are still trying it on for size and fit. And it is a perfect fit for You Now In This Moment. It delivers to you more peace and it delivers to you more clarity, does it not?


Oh, my dear ones, you are no doubt discovering that you really did not fully fathom before what it would be like to swim constantly in this Lake of Love, this Ocean of Love, this expanded you that encompasses so much more now. You have extended your boundaries and are much more comfortable in this expanded state, so much so that it is becoming quite familiar, and you are growing quite fond of the increased feelings of  this expansion, for as you allowed it and stopped resisting it, it has become such a natural part of your existence, and as you adjust your view to encompass this new vista, you will maintain and receive many new insights and revelations and a new side of looking at things that is so intrinsic to your new way of being, your New Selves.


I once again commend you for this giant leap many of you have taken. Allow yourselves to settle into it because there will be More! You are quite used to it by now and you are learning to set yourself back in balance quite quickly after a major influx of light and energy shift. You are being buoyed around by the Light, but just like an ocean buoy, you also right yourself quite quickly. As you know, it just depends on the strength of the gust of wind and the magnitude of the wave as to how long it takes to allow the ocean buoy to right itself, and so it is for you. But you are beginning to trust that you can and will do this, and much more easily, no matter what is “thrown” at you.


For you are so much more entrenched in LOVE energy as the base and core of you that it rules and governs now every perception and every action you make. It is at the center of you much more now. Can you feel it? I can certainly see it: Your Golden Glow of Christ Consciousness is so beautiful and encompassing now. You have indeed reached a new level.


The heightened levels will be coming much more quickly now, but then again, as I have said, you have the stability of your Heart Center more firmly in place and you can handle the climb. You no doubt feel this, dear ones. Oh, what a magnificent journey you have traveled, but oh, what a much more magnificent journey you have yet to encounter. The vistas are opening and you are in for such a surprise as long as you bide by your higher aspects and flow with the changes.


I beseech you to continue your self-care. Your physical body is playing a major role now as you develop and refine your crystalline structures. As you have heard many times, please allow yourself to listen constantly for what your body needs, whether it be in the way of rest, relaxation, time in nature, time in the sun,  clear clean water and/or pure food as close to its source as possible. And in concert with this care, your self-love will be just as important to maintain. Being LOVE, Being DIVINE, feeling it in your core, will carry you far in these coming days.


And always come back to your Heart Center and lead from there. Balance will come from that, and Balance in these coming days is very important. By now you are more firmly rooted in your grounding exercises, and this will carry you far, as you balance and align and stay at zero point as much as possible.


And so dear ones, I want to add, that you are really getting proficient at managing these energies and incorporating them into You, and in integrating all aspects of yourself as well as in staying more prevalently in the higher aspects of yourself as you integrate with all aspects of you and all your multidimensional selves as well as balancing and accepting all parts, making “friends” with all parts of you, as they converge into an integrated and balanced You in your emerging I AM Presence.


Some of those old parts that you have been “making friends” with are – in your acceptance and subsequent release of them, or transmutation of them into their higher aspects – making you more Whole. They have served their purpose and are now being transmuted to make way for a more refined and pure You.


It is a “Whole New World”, as they say, and you are becoming quite comfortable inhabitants of it.


I bid you farewell for now, but I shall return with more “tidbits” for your illustrious and continued awakening!


I AM Lady Nada, in LOVE and SERVICE.


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©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.

Mother Mary: You Are Spreading Your Divine Love Wherever You Are – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – March 31, 2014

Mother Mary  (Received March 31, 2014):


Hello my sweet, dear ones. I come to you now in a Divine Breath: A divine knowing of who you are….A divine imprint of your True Being. We are one. We are eternal together. We are the Love and the Light together. We are immense and deep in our connection.


And dear ones, you are no doubt feeling an expansion, a stillness within your expansion, and a sweet knowing of your True Essence is creeping in and taking firm hold more than ever. My Love for you is immense and I see that your Love for yourselves is becoming deeper and more entrenched. That is wonderful, my dear ones. You are arriving at your greater knowing of yourselves. You are feeling a greater knowing of yourselves, and thus an expansion out into the depths of eternity as you breathe in your Divinity and prepare yourselves even further for your holding of the Christ Consciousness now and forever more within you and extending outwards.


What a beautiful sight and spectacle. I cannot tell you adequately how beautiful you all are, in your expanded state of Christ Light, in your beautiful crystalline bodies, emanating and sparkling in divine glory. Keep breathing it into your cells and your whole physical being and your whole essence. Feel the lightness and the quintessence of your Being: It is Love. It is Divine. It is Golden Light of Christ Consciousness. Know this. And keep expanding on it. Keep spreading it out. Keep BEing this beautiful specimen of the Divine.


Expand your boundaries now. Feel the Golden Light expanding out from within your Divine Heart Center and outwards. Rest within it and radiate within it and allow it to expand out, always. Not just in your meditations, but always. This is You now. This is the Real You. Feel the warmth of the Golden Light radiating within you and without you, always allowing an increase in volume and magnitude.


Get used to walking around in this state. Make it feel like Home. Make it feel comfortable and natural as you experience it more and more as your natural state of Being. What you answer to is this Golden Light of Love and it rules everything you do and say. Get used to it. Feel it, enjoy it, float within it; float amongst it, while grounding into Gaia with it always.


You are my precious ones, my precious forerunners – those that lead the way. You have no precedent -You ARE the precedent. How gloriously courageous you are. How gloriously brave you are. How gloriously Divine you are. We thank you with all our hearts, we of the Celestial and Galactic Realm. You are spreading your Divine Love wherever you are; you cannot help it now. And what an impact you are making on the World.


We Love you. We cherish you. We honor you. We thank you. Please continue, dear ones… you have come so far and by no doubt are feeling it now. You are much more comfortable now in the stillness, in holding your Light for all, and in spreading your Divine Love and Light out globally, universally, and multiversal-ly. We cherish you for this.


You may be noticing now that the Love you give yourselves is the Love you give to others is the Love you give to yourselves, and on and on infinitely, building to a sweet crescendo of sustaining Love Essence in, for, and all. The frequency you have attained is so high now that it may leave you a little light-headed; but at the same time, you are acclimating to it so much more quickly, as you climb the stairs to your greater Divinity, your whole Divinity, your Whole Selves.


You are becoming one with your Higher Self and your Monad and your I AM Presence, and with Source. Doesn’t it feel expansive and wonderful? What you have been aiming for is happening with greater frequency and certainty, and establishing a new timeline of BEing for many of you. And you have set the stage for millions to follow. Honor that, take that in, and continue on without stepping in your way by trying to gauge it or figure it out. Allow it to happen. Breathe it in and BE.


So, my sweet ones, enjoy the altitude of this new step into your Divinity and as soon as it feels comfortable, you are set for even more expansion. You are the World. You Are the Universe. You are the Multiverse. You are Source. Feel it and Believe it. Get used to it. Enjoy it.


I bid you farewell in terms of this message now, but I leave you not, really, for I am always just a breath away.


Mother Mary


A Special THANK YOU to Christine Burk for the image on this post ♥

©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.



Welcome To My New Blog: “Our Emerging Divinity, Awakening to the Divine Within”



Hello and Welcome to my new blogOur Emerging Divinity, Awakening to the Divine Within. While I still maintain my other blog  franheal and my Website A Healing Place, where I post my channeled messages,  I was urged by my guides around the March Equinox 2014 to start this new blog to create a new forum to reflect  and highlight where we are Now in our DivineEmergence and to further assist in the changes we are all going through in our journey to embrace our True Selves/Divine Essence, and embodiment of Christ Light Consciousness.

As we raise our frequencies and integrate our HIgher Selves,  Multidimensional Selves, and all aspects of ourselves, embody our Christ Consciousness, and  allow our Divine Presence – our I AM Presence – to emerge, in our own time and pace, we further our DivineEmergence and further our Ascension and our return to LOVE and ONEness with Source and All-That-Is.

I will be posting here all messages channeled through me since the March Equinox 2014, as well as MasterQuotes – quotes I channel from the  Ascended Masters on DivineEmergence (new quotes as well as excerpts from other channeled messages) – as well as other features and offerings as I am guided to share,  to help us in Our Emerging Divinity.  Please note that you can still find All channeled messages through me a

Blessings to all!! and Much LOVE to all! ♥

Fran Zepeda