MasterQuote12: Mary Magdalene and Yeshua on Bliss and ONEness

imagesMasterQuote12: Mary Magdalene and Yeshua on Bliss and ONEness:

“Dear Beloveds. We are blended together in Bliss as we encompass your energy in ours and ours in yours. We are Bliss Personified and together we open up new vistas and roads to the Divine today.

Forever and always we touch Source and Source touches us all. We are Source. We are Love. We are Bliss. We are Abundance. We are Harmony.

There is no separation anymore – Can you feel it? Surrender now, dear ones, to the welcoming embrace of Source, your true core – Your true Divine Nature is unfolding and never will you be the same. Pull out all the stops and melt into the Bliss that is your core, that is your True Being.

Together we embrace all of humanity, we embrace all of the Universe, and we embrace all of the Multiverse. We embrace Source in Oneness. Can you feel it, dear Beloveds? We are One.”

Channeled by Fran Zepeda June 1, 2014


©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, beautiful synchronicity and this notice and links are included.


13 thoughts on “MasterQuote12: Mary Magdalene and Yeshua on Bliss and ONEness

  1. Reblogged this on Ascension Angels and commented:
    Dear Fran, I’m always deeply moved by your channelings… thank you for healing our hearts and souls… and for bringing us closer to Oneness 😀 Bliss ❤


  2. Thank you we are one we are all connected love harmony and joy peace to you my friends I love you jacqueline


  3. Pingback: MasterQuote12: Mary Magdalene and Yeshua on Bliss and ONEness: | franheal

  4. Pingback: samkaska: A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council – June 5, 2014:::Mary Magdalene and Yeshua: Bliss and ONEness | obassi2011

  5. Pingback: samkaska: Reading:::File:::▶ 107 – ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA Nibiru ::: A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council:::sharing | obassi2011

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