MasterQuote17: Mary Magdalene: A Renaissance


imagesMary Magdalene:

“Beloveds, precious ones, you are bringing forth a complete Renaissance in these glory-filled days, like no other in history, a complete Renaissance of your former Divine Selves, of your True Divine Essence. A rebirth, vibrating and pure in all its potential, manifesting now in a complete and whole way.

You are gathering up all your aspects to present yourself to the world, unabashed and unmitigated, a shining jewel of Divine Awareness and Presence.

And this is your purpose here. It is your birthright. It is You, the real you.

Get used to it, beloveds. The old is falling away, to reveal the precious jewel that you are.

Do not be afraid to show it to the world now. For the world awaits it with a pulsing heart….”


Received December 28, 2015


Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

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AUDIO VERSION of the Message: Illumination and Inspiration from Yeshua: “You Are A Golden Chalice of Christ Consciousness” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 27, 2015

For Audio Version of the Message: Illumination and Inspiration from Yeshua: “You Are A Golden Chalice of Christ Consciousness” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 27, 2015,  Please Click Here:


Illumination and Inspiration from Yeshua: “You Are A Golden Chalice of Christ Consciousness” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 27, 2015


AUDIO Version:


Illumination and Inspiration: Yeshua: “You Are A Golden Chalice of Christ Consciousness” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 27, 2015 ~ and



Dear Beloveds, Behold now the exquisite expansion and expansiveness of your Christ Consciousness. Behold and feel it as your new way of Being. You are becoming, and are, a Golden Chalice of Pure Loving Christ Consciousness ready to make your mark upon the world in even greater ways.

For this has been your purpose and your goal for all these years and eons, to reach this point in time where you are transforming yourselves and your world with each breath of Creator’s Love, with each acknowledgment of the Christ-Self and God-Self that you are.

You are That, in all its glory. Feel the essence of it permeate your very Being and feel the impact on all and everything in your wake.

You, beloveds, are magnificent in this transformation. You are and will be experiencing even more in the coming days. Relax into it. Be it. Know you are a Beautiful Golden Chalice of Love, of Divine Intelligence, of Pure Source Consciousness, of All That Is, melding into the tapestry of the new Christ grid formed on this earth and within your Hearts and collection of Hearts.

The Soul and Heart of Mary Magdalene and I, Yeshua, come to you now to demonstrate and embody this same loving consciousness, this same Golden Chalice of Love that you have allowed to form within and around you. We are One together as you strengthen this connection to All That Is, to the Pure Source Consciousness, the Pure Christ Consciousness, within.

We offer you now a prayer/invocation to use in the coming days of great transformation:

‘I AM Pure Source Consciousness,

I AM Pure Divine Light and Truth,

I AM Pure Divine Love,

I AM the embodiment of Pure Christ Consciousness.

With this I go forth…

Further into my mission and purpose,

Of embodying Pure Divine Essence for the Highest EnJOYment and Peace of ALL.

….In Divine Love and Pure Awareness, I AM…

And So It Is…’


Namaste, dear ones. I, we, shall return with more inspiration and illumination for you.

Your loving brother,




Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.


Special Gift from Yeshua: Twin Flame Song ~ December 24, 2015

piccredit.archives.firstcontactgroundcrewteam.comBlessings Everyone!

Wishing you all a Blessed ChristMas and a Wondrous and Warm and Beautiful Holiday Season, filled with Golden Glowing Expansion of Christ Consciousness within and around you, leading you to a New, Loving, Abundant and Magical 2016!

Thank you for Being in my life and bestowing your wondrous gifts upon me in all our sacred connections through my blogs,  facebook pages, and website, and of course through all the wonderful connections I have had with many of you through my services.

I share with you now a special Gift from Yeshua which I received and co-created with him.  This poem is meant to be a Universal Message for all Twin Flames, our Loving Gift to You! I love you all.




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By Yeshua and Fran Zepeda


I love you forever,

I love you as always;

Whatever your form,

You’re in my Heart to stay.


I love you forever,

I love you as always;

Whatever you may do,

My Love for you stays the same.


Across all lines of eternity,

You’re forever in my Heart;

Across the Bridge of Eternity,

I patiently wait.


I love you forever,

I love you as always;

No matter your troubles,

You ignite my Eternal Love Flame…


For I love you forever,

I love you as always;

However far the distance,

TOGETHER we shall Be.






Channeled and Co-created by Fran Zepeda December 24, 2015

Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

PLEASE JOIN ME on my facebook pages, Fran Zepeda and A Healing Place, and blogs franheal and OurEmergingDivinity , and my website A Healing Place. Namaste!




Special On Services Until January 1, 2016

I have received some inquiries about the special I am offering  on my Channeling by Email Sessions. Here are more details:

For a limited time only, from now until January 1, 2016, if you purchase a 90 minute Channeling by Email Session, I will add on a Free 30 minute energy healing, for a total two hour session, to be purchased for yourself or to be given as a gift.

The Channelings by Email Session Includes:

A Comprehensive and In-Depth Remote Channeled Message from Higher Self and/or Guides/ Ascended Masters/ Archangels/ Angels/ Akashic Records/ Source/Creator, in response to questions you have and/or any information, guidance, and/or healing that comes through for your highest good and spiritual growth and path, the transcript of which I send to you by email when done. May also include drawing and reading of Oracle Cards to enhance and support the session.

Here are a few examples of  testimonials for this Channeling by Email service:

“I have had two channeled readings with Fran, both of which have lent me extraordinary insights around the nature of my higher self, undefined aspects of my oversoul, current energies for the path ahead, and even glimpses of the akashic records of my children.

Fran has an extremely pure and direct connection to the energies of Spirit which she channels, and provides specifics about which Ascended Masters come through for you. Upon reading my first channeling, I immediately sensed not only the subtle yet profound messages coming through but also the underlying energetics and the high vibrations of the words that were conveyed.

As such, I continue to revisit both readings knowing that each time I do, I open new pathways of knowledge on both conscious and unconscious levels.

Fran’s channeled readings are truly magical and life altering. I send her Gratitude and Love always.” ~ Jennifer Heflin,December 16, 2015

“…Fran has a wonderful connection with the Divine, and the information she shared with me from her channeling was truly enlightening. I was impressed by the details she received while channeling…” more
“…My Reading with Fran addressed all of my questions with accuracy, and the information that came through was very helpful…more

The free energy healing will be added at the end and/or during the channeling to add a lot more healing to the already energy-rich channeling session and can address a specific issue you may have and/or provide general healing, clearing, and balancing, as is your choice. The transcript from the channeling will also include any information from and about the healing.

Here are examples of testimonials for my energy healing services:

“Fran is a very kind, sensitive, and truly gifted healer. Distant sessions with her have not only yielded immediate relief from my persistent symptoms, but she also provides me with Guidance from my personal Spirit Team, who directs me to tools for self-healing, as well. After trying many healing modalities and working with various energy practitioners over the past several years, with inconsistent results, I feel so blessed to have found Fran, an amazing healer! “K.L., Michigan December 18, 2015

” Fran is a natural and gifted healer. She is very in tune with what is taking place during the healing…and I was also able to feel, sense and see these things as they occurred…Fran is just so in tune with the higher frequencies in which she assists in facilitating”…” More

“…Fran was so accurate in her understanding of my issues…I felt so very loved and supported by the healing…” More

To take advantage of this Special, please purchase a 90 minute Channeling by Email Session at my  A Healing Place Store   Here  and I will then contact you to set up the session, and also send you a brief form to express your questions and goals for the session, to be scheduled for sometime in January, and if you would like to give it as a gift, please let me know, so we can make arrangements for that!

For other Specials, please click  here. For more information on Services, please click  here

And coming soon…..changes in my website and blogs to better serve you! 🙂

Sending you Love and Blessings on this beautiful Solstice Gateway and wishing you a beautiful, warm, peaceful and loving Holiday Season.



Audio Recording of Yeshua’s Latest Message

pink-roseHello Everyone!

If you received an email notice from this site of my latest post from Yeshua and the link for the recording did not show up on your email, please click Here to see the message and recording. It also works to click on the title of the message on the original email post.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Many Blessings


Yeshua: “Live in Your Heart of Desires” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 19, 2015


The following is an audio recording of the message posted below, if you would like to hear the message:

Yeshua: “Live in Your Heart of Desires” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 19, 2015



Greetings, Beloveds. This is a very auspicious time for everyone in their own unique way. It will take finessing and seeing everything around you and within you from a new unique perspective.

It is time to stretch yourselves and delve into your Soul even more than usual. It is a virtual meeting of your soul with your higher mind, interpreting and drawing from a new perspective not used before. It is a virtual “LoveFest” with your Soul. Honoring it and loving it like you have never done before. It is forefront to your reality now dear ones, and let no one tell you that you are not delving very very deep into your Soul.

It may look like all you see are problems around you and it takes a lot of your attention, and so you may ask me: “How is this a higher way of being? I am dealing with so many mundane problems”. Well dear ones, look at it this way: If you were not evolving into a higher way of being, this would not be happening. Everything is coming up to be seen as the illusion that it is. Yes, you must deal with it, and yes, the solution can come easily if you let it, and then move on and see it as a virtual clearing house of all the mundane 3D structure that you painstakingly assembled in all your years, your eons, of dabbling on earth away from your birthright, away from your full divine awareness of your Full Divine Self.

And this old reality is becoming dismantled and demolished and oh, it can create a mess, just like a demolition of a building can create a mess. But within all that chaos, wanting to emerge, is a shining jewel, a shining reality of your true self and reality coming from your core being, ready to take over and shine even more.

Many of you feel like you are stepping backwards. It feels even more mundane and less lofty than you imagined it would be when you were anticipating 2012. You did not know that this business of descending your Divine Self, your I AM Presence, into your physical body would be so “messy” or even take the turns it has.

But in this you are learning to flow with it, trusting in your divine guidance which is more and more coming from YOU and not “up there” from your brethren in the Celestial Realm; you may even be astounded at what you are feeling and knowing in spite of how easily it comes to you.

And this, dear ones, is the by-product of all the work you have been doing in clearing out the old ways of being. And this, dear ones, is the epitome of your evolvement. It may seem simple, but as you sit and stand now, you are an immense and immaculate Divine Being inhabiting this physical being that is a partner to you in many ways now. You are settling in and feeling the merge. It exalts you, it excites you, and it is your new way of Being.

So beloveds, disregard the chaos and the “rubble” of this “demolition project” you are involved in, for it is not as harsh and violent an operation as it sounds. It is a loving pulling-apart and disassembling of all the old patterns that kept your divine self feeling separate and “un-divine”, only to find that lo and behold, that gorgeous soul that you are was waiting to show itself to the world in all its divine glory.

So dear ones, continue to Live in your Heart and focus on the shine of it, focus on the Divine of it, focus on the wholeness and depth of it. And let the chaos and disassembling of your old self and that of others proceed as if in a protective bubble, all the while feeling into the immense depth of your Soul and Divine Self.

I love you all so dearly, and I see your progress, and I honor your struggles as a means of letting go of the old, and shining your pristine Divine Essence once again in all its glory.

I encourage you to be undaunted by things as they seem, and focus on what they really are, what your reality really is, your heart’s desires for a flowing loving world for all to thrive in and inhabit. The more you focus on this, the more you make it a reality. Live in your Heart of Desires and it shall be so.


Your loving brother, Yeshua.

From Fran: ~ SPECIAL! ~ For a limited time only, I will be offering a special on my Channeling by Email Sessions ~ Purchase a  90 minute Channeling by Email Session at my Healing Place Store Here  from now until January 1, 2016, and get a FREE 30 minute energy healing with it! (a two hour session total), for yourself or given as a gift, to be booked in January on. For more info, please visit the Services Page Here

For other Current Specials on my Services, please click Here:

Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.